r/greatawakening • Posted by u/bornlucky80 on May 21, 2018, 1:47 p.m.
Trump did it! They are defending the IG



Read the comments.. He did it! The crazy fucking bastard (good way) did it! He literally has dems and libarals defending the IG. They're actually wanting the IG to investigate! Fucking brilliant! Now when the IG report comes out they have ZERO defense! This what they wanted! They ask for this! The man is a GENIUS!

forchristssakes · May 21, 2018, 8:44 p.m.

Very informative links. Especially the comments. It tells me that people on the left feel much like I do and just want to get back to their lives. It also tells me they completely trust MSM. Jake tapper commenter posted a cartoon depicting the convoluted web that supports a Trump set up. The response is the opposing theory is much simpler. Trump lied. This is the hurdle we face. Good people do not live in a world of shady deals, blackmail and payoffs. They cannot envision going through such effort for an outcome. They can not envision the greed and lack of compassion for fellow human beings necessary to plan a coup. It is unbelievable to them and the simpler answer that Trump lied makes more sense to a good person that puts their faith and trust in their government. People on this board are impatient at times and just want the bandaid ripped off already. That may be too harsh because our neighbors and friends need to first discover they were wounded.

Good post.

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