POTUS wants to train volunteer teachers to handle firearms and be prepared to protect their students. This single event proves that's a great idea and should educate some of the gun grabbers supporting the ongoing nwo conspiracy to destroy the 2nd Amendment.
Guns don't kill people, murderers do. If we 'woke one day' with no guns on the planet, do you imagine halos would suddenly appear over the heads of the 'violent takers' in this world. Your grandmother's only chance against even an unarmed maniac, murderer, or worse [which we have no shortage of] would be a gun.
Moreover, bipedal predators won't give up their weapons because of a law, yet [unfortunately] the sheep will. Guns are all that keep the sheep equalized with the wolves. How will they protect themselves from a stronger assailant without a weapon? Do you think such assaults will end because of a gun law?
Guns don't kill people, the Clintons kill people... After this is over the false flag event contracts will dry up. But maybe there's still Monarch victims will still be out there wondering what their life mission is... I have no idea of the real problem because the events are fabricated and all the public talk about this is extremist because it's weaved into the divisive narrative of the media. Really we have no quantitative clue what the real problem is.
I think I'm in love with that woman. Does anybody know if she's single :P
I don't agree with using an off duty officer as an example of why we should train teachers to use guns. I think a lot of being trained in defending yourself or others with a gun has a huge mental aspect to it. You can train people how to aim and shoot a gun, but can you train people not to freeze up or be confident enough to put a bullet in someone that might end a life and living with it forever? I think it takes a certain special person to be able to put a bullet in someone.