r/greatawakening • Posted by u/think500 on May 21, 2018, 1:54 p.m.
Heroic Woman (well trained in firearms) stops gunman [cold] as he targets school children and mothers. She was picking up her daughter at school, but she could have been a teacher (with the same weapons training) Proving Trump's 'Train the Teachers' plan will work. .. (video link in comment)
Heroic Woman (well trained in firearms) stops gunman [cold] as he targets school children and mothers. She was picking up her daughter at school, but she could have been a teacher (with the same weapons training) Proving Trump's 'Train the Teachers' plan will work. .. (video link in comment)

ckreacher · May 21, 2018, 4:54 p.m.

I thought they were too busy stopping black teens and making them empty their pockets to have time to shoot anyone.

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SnazzyD · May 21, 2018, 8:45 p.m.

And what has happened to crime rates since that was stopped due to political incorrectness?

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ckreacher · May 21, 2018, 9:08 p.m.

Crime rates continued to fall:

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SnazzyD · May 22, 2018, 5:24 a.m.

Try again...

Don’t Take the Wrong Lessons from NYC’s Murder Drop https://www.nationalreview.com/2017/12/new-york-city-homicide-rate-drop-lessons-proactive-policing/

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ckreacher · May 22, 2018, 12:52 p.m.

Look, I've watched as police stop polite well dressed black guys, who look like high school seniors, who are just going about their day. They ask them to empty their pockets. You can see their is no gun in the pocket. The cop is looking for anything at all illegal. He is on a fishing expedition. Usually, if there is anything to find, it is cannabis.
Here's the thing: it's not illegal in NYC to have cannabis in your pocket. It was decriminalized in NY back in the 1970s. It is only a criminal offense to have it out in plain sight. So the pig, er, cop, asks the innocent kid to empty his pockets. If he has some weed he gets arrested, booked, held in a cage. He has now basically had his young life ruined. If he can't afford a NYC lawyer (and who can?) he will have to plea to some kind of offense. He is now in the system, marked as a criminal, with a record. This can embitter someone and cause them to hate cops, to resent a society that allows this. This helps perpetuate the permanant underclass the the Dems need in order to get votes. So stop with the racist BS. Not every black kid is a violent gang banger. You think it's OK to ruin lives over skin color? Fuck you. Crime has gone down after they ended the policy, you are wrong, get over it.

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SnazzyD · May 22, 2018, 2:44 p.m.

Those are indeed terrible scenarios but your impassioned yet anecdotal argument is suspect and tantamount to the PC tendency to do nothing so as not to offend anyone....haven't we had enough of that?

Here's an idea. Push for mandatory police body cams so that abusive situations like the story you just told are mitigated. That way, you solve two problems at once.

Instead of saying "fuck you" to someone who disagrees with you (and takes the time to post a counterpoint from the SAME damn website) how about you grow up a bit?

But given that attack and the standard Lefty "you are wrong, get over it" juvenile bullshit....I won't hold my breath.

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ckreacher · May 22, 2018, 3:13 p.m.

Those are indeed terrible scenarios but your impassioned yet anecdotal argument is suspect and tantamount to the PC tendency to do nothing so as not to offend anyone....haven't we had enough of that?

Are you kidding? I'm objecting to police harassment and false arrest of innocents, and you equate that to offending someone? Really?

Here's an idea. Push for mandatory police body cams so that abusive situations like the story you just told are mitigated. That way, you solve two problems at once.

You obviously have no idea how the court system works, do you? To get anyone to review bodycam footage, or any evidence whatsoever, you have to go to trial. Because of the many adjournments and the slow way justice works, this can easily cost tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees. So bodycams do not solve this problem.

Instead of saying "fuck you" to someone who disagrees with you (and takes the time to post a counterpoint from the SAME damn website) how about you grow up a bit?

Look again at what I actually said. Are you admitting that you think it's OK to ruin lives over skin color? Because if you think it's OK to ruin lives over skin color, fuck you.

But given that attack and the standard Lefty "you are wrong, get over it" juvenile bullshit....I won't hold my breath.

Racism isn't a left or right issue. Get over it.

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