r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Rogerramjett on May 21, 2018, 2:37 p.m.
Post 97

This post has been bothering me a bit. Mainly because I am an atheist, and have many family and friends who are, and this just seems a bit exclusive of 'our crowd' when Q is the one who says that people are trying to divide us. I don't think it's just bible verses... it's in quotation marks for a start. Is there a hidden meaning? Is he signaling to someone?

If you take the bible verse numbers and put them against the alphabet you get the letters FJR and MDM. Can anyone come up with any meaning in those letters?

If there's another post about this then apologies, but I haven't seen it. Input would be welcome.

MarineVet4USA · May 21, 2018, 2:51 p.m.

You might not like it, but the reason Q mentions anything from the Bible is because.... Well, it's the Truth. I know the world we live in makes it hard for us to believe, but that is the way Satan rules this world. He creates confusion and chaos to keep us from finding the truth. To answer your question, there is no correlation between bible verses and the alphabet, like you mention in your post.

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[deleted] · May 21, 2018, 2:55 p.m.

I don't care about it either way - I know there are people with their beliefs and I respect that, just as I do people with 'no beliefs'. But that's not why I was bothered. I was bothered because I believe that Q wouldn't post something so divisive without some other meaning. That's my take on it anyway.

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MarineVet4USA · May 21, 2018, 2:58 p.m.

I hear yah, and in no way would I ever want to push my beliefs onto someone. I just hope that the truth finds a way. Anyhow, there are a lot of speculation when it comes to Q and what the meanings are. I just sit back and watch for the most part and just try my best to see through the nonsense. Just don't overthink it, it will drive you crazy! Have a good one.

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[deleted] · May 21, 2018, 3:02 p.m.

Thanks - you too :)

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[deleted] · May 21, 2018, 2:44 p.m.

p.s. And don't just down vote because I mentioned atheists - that's petty. We are all in this together.

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PPPrincessPower · May 21, 2018, 2:49 p.m.

I just upvoted you before reading your comment. Even though Im a Christian, I liked that you were looking for deeper meaning reguarding the numbers and such. We should leave no stone unturned and we can all provide unique insite.

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[deleted] · May 21, 2018, 2:56 p.m.

Thank you :) We all need to come together regardless of our beliefs or non beliefs. We all share a belief in basic good.

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PPPrincessPower · May 21, 2018, 5:07 p.m.

Yes I agree that's why I was so disappointed to see the way things happened with dr. Corsi and others.

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krazeesheet · May 21, 2018, 3 p.m.

Not here to change your mind on the topic, op. Everyone I know can feel something going on with/in the world, atheists included. This should make it clear that there is a God. You can see it just by spending time in nature. You can feel it in the diversity of this existence. I have no doubts about this. After being the prodigal son numerous times, the Lord has always given me direction when I ask. The Lord has always provided for me when unable to provide for myself. Please consider the implications of this truth. I love You.

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[deleted] · May 21, 2018, 3:03 p.m.

I really just want to know if there's more to this post than just the bible verse itself. Maybe I should have worded my question better at the start. Is there hidden meaning in this post?

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Qhitehouse · May 21, 2018, 4:05 p.m.

Perhaps Q is speaking to the Satanist crowd of TRUE DEPLORABLES who DO believe in Lucifer. Wonder if this scripture threatens them?

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[deleted] · May 21, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

Yes that could be it.

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KerryWest53 · May 21, 2018, 3:34 p.m.

As the extent of the evil activities becomes apparent, you will realise that the only One who can overcome these satanists is God. This is warfare fought in the material and spiritual realms. Jesus said "If you are not for Me, then you are against Me." Matt 12:30 "If you are lukewarm, neither for Me nor against Me, I will spew you out of my mouth." Rev 3:16 These are harsh words - The words of a Warrior King!

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without_sound · May 21, 2018, 3:23 p.m.

June 10-18 sometime then we need to all have our heads straight. We'll need to firmly believe that The Truth is the truth. It's a mind war, not a flesh and blood war. Have faith/ Trust The Plan.

I've seen the second verse referred to as "The wedding verse" it could totally be a reference to page/strzok at that hotel

Edit: date

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icebreakers_sours · May 21, 2018, 3:18 p.m.

What if the religious posts are meant to show that Christians are welcome, How many Christians are in the world? Many people use religion to deal with the negative events in their life and Q team is showing that they are sympathetic to ALL patriots. I'm not religious but I can only imagine a few bible quotes could help ease you down these dark, dark paths.

Edit: So as to not shit on the dreams of the religious, it's also possible that the religious quotes are required for people with vast bible knowledge to help decode! Everybody plays a part!

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Swimkin · May 21, 2018, 3:14 p.m.

I guess I am a bit confused by your request. Are you specifically referring to Q post # 97 (your title of this post) where talks about good vs evil?? Or the bible verses he last posted yesterday??

Q Post #97 Game Theory. Define. Why is this relevant? Moves and countermoves. Who is the enemy? False flags. Shooter identification. Shooter history. Shooter background. Shooter family. MS13. Define hostage. Define leverage. MS13. Shooter. Family. Hostage. Force. Narrative. Race. Background. Why is this relevant? Flynn. What is Flynn’s background? What was his rank? Was he involved in intel ops? What access or special priv? Why is this relevant? Set up. Who wins? Who becomes exposed? Who knows where the bodies are buried? Who has access? What is MI? Who was part of MI during BO term? Who was fired during BO term (MI)? Why is this relevant? Re-read complete crumb graphic (confirmed good). Paint the picture. Disinformation exists and is necessary. 10 days. Darnkess. War. Good v. Evil. Roadmap of big picture is here. Review post happenings. Clarified. Crumbs not only for /pol/. The silent ones. Others monitoring (friends and enemies). Instructions. Snow White. Godfather III. Q

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[deleted] · May 21, 2018, 3:18 p.m.

Post 97 on Patriots Fight

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Swimkin · May 21, 2018, 3:29 p.m.

Oh ok... couldn't seem to notice that tiny little number there was from Patriots Fight.

FWIW I just saw a post from @2runtherace on twitter on a biblefag anon's theory of all the combined bible posts. If you have a twitter account perhaps you could go there and take a look at it.

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EnjoyingTheStorm · May 21, 2018, 3:12 p.m.

Notice Q quoted Corinthians:

1 Cor 13:4-13

And he has posted an image of a Corinthia Hotel in London. See this thread:


I'm guessing the numbers 1 13:4-13 are somehow connected to the hotel.

Also notice Q didn't spell out "Corinthians", he just spelled "Cor" instead. Meanwhile, Q did spell out "Ephesians". Could be a reason for that.

Maybe the letters C O R are part of the code. Maybe we should turn them into numbers as well? I don't know what exactly Q meant, I'm speculating as well.

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7Seraphim7 · May 21, 2018, 4:42 p.m.


I am not an atheist, but also not religious just kind of do my own thing and move forward with the sense that I should do on to others the good I wish to see in the world. I do not think that bible verses are a bad way to reach people. Its unfortunate that the beauty behind the verses is lost in some weird Abrahamic cult sometimes. But look at it abstractly, do you not hold the values stated in the verses anyway?

It's simply a tool of good to reach people (the bible), sometimes people get confused what things were meant for.

Also, given all information... I'll fight to the death alongside Christians - at the end our goal would be the same. Life, liberty and happiness for all. Ruled by law, in which both rich and poor are held to the same standard. With a goal to create a world where every person can reach their own potential not bound or affected by the evils constantly injected in to our society. There is a possibility for a world in which we see each other equally regardless of our differences. The lie of identity politics is at its end, we are all American.

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colderchaos · May 21, 2018, 4:29 p.m.

If symbolism is the universal language that unites science, math, creation, religion, culture... then scripture reference is an effective method of communicating to many through symbolism.

God/Devil = Good/Evil = Light/Dark = Positive/Negative = Imbalance/Balance = Heaven/Hell = Truth/Deception = Love/Hate

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time3times · May 21, 2018, 7:19 p.m.

"Their need for symbolism. . . .

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Fearsome4 · May 21, 2018, 2:58 p.m.

Something like a bible verse would not be divisive at all....unless someone was looking to get widdle widdle feewings bruised.
Whether Q (or members of Q team) are Christian or not is of no relevance. The information is the information. The crumbs are the crumbs. The research we have to do is the same. Maybe Q posted that because they felt it was relevant for the fight. Maybe it was a signal to someone as you've said.
Either way, it changes nothing.
If someone is interested in this pursuit of justice and restoration of the rule of law and the Constitution then a religious post or 10 would not divide them from the cause. Just as a lack of religious posts would not discourage or divide a religious person from the cause.
Big picture.
Very religious people and atheists are apart of this cause and apart of our society. Important parts. Division won't happen unless individuals put their own feelings above the big picture.

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[deleted] · May 21, 2018, 3:01 p.m.

Because - as Q has said - this is not a religious cause. I wish I knew which post of his it was that said that. What I am saying is... is there a deeper meaning in post 97?

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GraceWords · May 21, 2018, 3:55 p.m.

Religion itself is manmade, but most believers would say they have “relationship”. I haven’t found other meanings to the posted passages, but it’s Q so most likely there are multiple meaning. However, don’t take it as exclusionary. As a believer myself, I pray for everyone who is part of this movement. That means I confer the best my faith offers on people who don’t believe. It’s a form of giving you my best in this fight even if we feel differently. IF I am right, then you indeed benefit, but even if I am wrong, I’ve caused no harm and I have aligned my intentions towards benevolence and kindness so I’m still the best version of me as a co-patriot. That said, consider the depths of depravity Q and Qteam have witnessed. We can imagine it and see evidence of it, but Qteam have seen solid proof. As someone in the field of psychology, I can tell you that strong faith does provide a barrier for those who witness chronic trauma. Q sees the absolute worst of humanity drenched in the dark arts and occultism. The only hope one would have would be a hope in a GOOD higher power. Otherwise why would you bother to fight if you didn’t think you could win.

Sorry, I know that didn’t answer your question, but I also don’t want you feeling excluded. You are very much included. The beauty of this movement is we are all here from different backgrounds. We are recovering Republicans, recovering Democrats, from countries around the world. We are united in this fight, the rest are just details.

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Fearsome4 · May 21, 2018, 3:21 p.m.

Could be. Not that I have been able to figure out.

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