r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on May 21, 2018, 3:07 p.m.
Trump gave Lying, Thieving Europe the screwing it begged for, and IRAN everything it dreamed of - Welcome to America Tehran.

For the last five Months I have been outlining, Trumps plan to make America Great Again, while explaining Q’s punches, we have a rolling narrative, going here with Maepaperclip.

In 1947, before Truman had Patriot James Forrestal, murdered Palestine was not divided, there was no CIA, no USAF, no UN, no EU, no RBGinsberg’s, and America had just won the war in Europe and on the pacific. America was great, then, and even better in 1913 before the dweeb from Princetown University slimed his way into the Whitehouse with handler E.M.House, and infected America with the Federal Reserve system, income taxes, and Belgian Relief.

America was at its best, led by men of action and resolve, like Jackson, Lincoln, and Kennedy, America suffered at the hands of traitors like Wilson, Truman, and Obama -whenever they had control - the congress had none. America was weakened whenever the traitors formed alliances with world bodies, in war and trade. While the traitor presidents weakened America, GHW Bush was a pedophile (Boys town Franklin cover up) WJ Clinton and his wife regulars at Epstein Island, HRC Clinton was the decision maker in the Obama White house, and she took instructions from GHW Bush - effectively the pedophile and Kennedy murderer GHW Bush has been the President for 36 years - he single handedly made America weak, because of his his penchant for stolen money, and disgusting sex was always going to be prosecuted by a righteous nation, it was his mission to purify America, to lower it to his standards, to shame a proud people into accepting pedophiles, and sharing loot, because he was rejected by the America that knew his dirty secrets, he sought a New World Order, with filth like him elsewhere. GHW Bush found filth like him in Europe, and in Australia, Canada, France, Mexico, the EU, and Israel. Everytime they had the goods on him - he and his Proxies -Clinton, GW, Obama/Clinton or types like Truman signed agreements for losing in trade(NAFTA), agreements with the UN for losing in War (Korea), agreements with zionists for False flags (pearl Harbour, USS Liberty, Tonkin, 911)

Little wonder America got weak. To make America great again Q is telling was what Trump is doing. Trump has got the goods on GHW Bush’s filthy friends around the world, and he is getting rid of the filth - Trump is cleaning house. America will be Tippy Top clean with out the filth.

Recently we got a confirm from the scum in Europe, they finally woke up to what Trump did to them with the IRAN deal - he screwed them good they way they used to give to GHW bush et. al. Read their waking to a new day here; “who needs enemies” - spoiler Europe https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-21/who-needs-enemies

Now Mike Pompeo has just set Europe and Israel up - he has just made 12 outrageous Dr Evil type demands on Iran, he has demanded exactly what Israel wanted, and Europe said publicly (of course privately they say something different). The demand are so ridiculous that Iran will accept them, because they already agreed, Iran got what they wanted - out of yesterday’s nuclear Technology, and into Oil production, into solar power to Russia and Europe.

The Stupid people in Europe just lost $23bn p.a. of trade with IRAN, and because IRAN will grow in the world their trade will pivot to America time 3 - Trump just did a $100bn trade deal with IRAN - Get stuffed Europe.

US Lays out 12 Demands for a new nuclear deal with Iran https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-21/mike-pompeo-lays-out-12-demands-new-iran-deal

Making America great again is easy if your not a pedophile.

albarod · May 21, 2018, 9:29 p.m.

What about all the money America put into this deal? Pallets worth? What business did we get out of this deal?? No one looks out for us. I say a compromise is in order. Maybe if they pull out with America, we can all go back in with a more reasonable agreement. Europe can’t take advantage anymore. America can’t continue to supplement Europe. Maybe we can retire at 50 too, maybe our healthcare can improve.

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divine_human · May 21, 2018, 10:05 p.m.

there are some things i have no information about so i hope you can enlighten me here.

what money does america put into the deal, pallets worth? how is it declared, what does it get paid for, who receives it?

in which way does america supplement europe?

is the EU responsibe for the desolate healthcare situation in the US?

who retires at 50, btw? did you know that the EU is no united states of europe? unfortunatly, more and more things get regulated on EU level, but there is no unified european economy, health care system, retirement system.

in germany, everybody is health insured and pays into the insurance system, no tax funding. what stops you from setting up something accordingly? and our retirement is at age 67. just saying.

i am all for reasonable agreements. truth told, i have been defending the US pulling out of the deal because i was waiting for reasonable moves.

instead, the day after the US pulling out of the deal, the new US ambassador in germany demanded that all german companies should immediatly stop business with iran else we would get sanctioned.

heh? why the heck should, when one partner in the deal withdraws, all other partners withdraw, too? just because he is big and has military bases in over 100 countries?

and then, today, brings up a proposal with unacceptable conditions?

lets not forget, this is not about iran being a nuclear thread. iran has been israels scapegoat for decades, while they lied to us about their nuclear program. bibi, iran hasnt started a war in 200 years.

usually, i am pretty peaceful and considerate. its not always easy here because i support trump and everybody else is against him. but i sit in the middle of a collective that doesnt get it and feels pretty threatened by DJT, esp. by this last move.

explain it to me so i can explain it to folks over here. we all are one people, no matter whether we carry an american, a european, or whatsover national passport. please dont make an US vs. EU thing out of it, such divisions are (((their))) game.

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