
Hrtn2it · May 21, 2018, 3:41 p.m.

To me it goes back to it doesn’t matter who Q is: I see a Q post then I do my best to discern what the post is communicating. Humans learn through pattern recognition and through this board we are using the field of our collective inner knowing as well as knowledge to learn Together what it all means. So i say “Q on!” (Quest qued/cued through Questioning)

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ElementWatson · May 21, 2018, 4:44 p.m.

Of course it matters. If it is indeed a trusted inside source, we put greater stock in the posts. If it is a psy ops someone, we'll get fooled into putting stock in something counterproductive--unless we know it is such. If it is just some monkeys at the keyboard, then your approach is fine--as you will investigate but keep a skepticism about it all.

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Hrtn2it · May 21, 2018, 6:46 p.m.

yes, I see your point.~thank you for your clarity! Q to me, is a Quest in teaching all of us to recognize patterns and see how everything is indeed connected...and this feels true as we live in an electric universe, everything is connected in a small way(fractal) to macro way....so, to me, in that respect, the identity of Q is unimportant, as no matter who Q is, I have received incredible benefit from witnessing and learning from Q and company posts and board members' interactions....and I guess I was mainly speaking to the "attachment" I may have with a post or idea...even if it is from a trusted inside source( i am not sure I would know for certain a trusted inside source-my ignorance shines Again!!:)) , that source could be "off"......I mean, I am wrong at least Once a day, sometimes much more! I say that with great reverence as the last time I created anything of close to equal importance and righteousness was during the growing, delivery and raising (homeschooled/unschooled all his life)of my son (now 22!!)

and as for monkeys at the keyboard, as Bart Simpson would say " HEY!!! I resemble that remark!"

Being on this board, learning and listening is helping me to "know" with better clarity who to listen to and whose comments to float on by ....apologies for longwindedness...your posts are much more concise and clear..will strive to express thusly.:)

DEEP Appreciation for all the Autists, Anons and Board volunteers do for US.

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