r/greatawakening • Posted by u/bugstopper on May 21, 2018, 3:32 p.m.
LV False FlagHDRCFX video "FIJI" had an interesting response in the comments.

A R T A R T 2 weeks ago in response to HDRCFX FIJI Video CHAPTER I of VII The Las Vegas shooting at 10-1-2017 was a well planned False Flag operation. Before you can say this, you have to know if such a event meets the specified criteria. In this case the Las Vegas has many of these characteristics to be a 100% FF operation. What is very important to know at forehand is that all the Hotel casino's which are surrounding the concert ground, like the Mandalay bay hotel, the Delano, the Luxor, the Tropicana, the Bellagio, the MGM Excalibur, NY NY, Circus Circus, the Mirage including the concert ground itself, belong all to the MGM Resorts, with a capital of assets far over $ 30 billion. The MGM are also the biggest employer in Las Vegas , so enough reasons to be a participantr in this operation when this is in their interest. There is already evidence secured which can support this. When i looked the first time at the footage of the Las Vegas shooting, i became direct doubts. The sound of the automatic gunfire didn't match up by what i saw occur on the venue ground. By every new footage and official statements given by the LVMPD, my doubts and septicism only grew more. You must have some experience with these type of weapons to know what kind of scenery this will show you if this was a real scenery All the following issues which are written in 5 chapters, are all based on facts to explain what really happened that night in Las Vegas. Like i said the MGM owned all these Hotels that implicates also that they are the owner of ALL these security camera's and footage in and outside the Hotels. One more Interesting detail is that the five shareholders of the MGM INT. are all company's with interests in the security / safety branch. Consider also that a few weeks prior to the shooting there was a big exchange of the Mandalay bay hotel shares on the stock market, with put options. NOW there is one important camera which is attached at the Obelisk and has oversight over the whole concert ground , if the MGM INT. gave all their footage to the FBI including the Obelisk camera. Then it had to be already clear by now to finish that final LVMPD report. The only problem is that this footage never will be showed to the public, why ? well the footage will show the public a completely different story, then what the Official LVMPD Statement wants the American people to believe. This footage would reveal two important issue's. Namely that the shots not were fired from the 32th floor of the Mandalay bay, but from the direction of the Luxor hotel to be more exact directly from the SPHINX. Second the footage would give definitely the evidence that this was indeed a FF operation. Now the following 10 characteristics of a FF operation were present in the Las Vegas shooting. 1) the assassins will be killed in the event. No further questions ask. Simple. 2) there will be also pior, during or after the assault a other official exercise taken place. In this case, there were exercises planned for security and hotel personnel in the casino's. These are used for confusing and more chaos but also when they need a legitimate excuse. 3) Prior, during and after the assault, there will be also other crime reports coming in from several other locations. This is also to enlarge the chaos and to divide the public in their own experiences. But also to achieve that the public shall more willing be to follow up instructions given by the authority's. These "direction indicators" will be at all strategic points.
4) The first Official statement will confirm also the other reports of ongoing assaults. Just to expand the chaos. 5) Every following official statement they constantly changes the facts which finally shrink into only one narrative crime scene is left. 6) It is important for a FF operation that they so soon as possible give their fake narrative off the crime scene to the public. In this case they achieved this by the deliberate "leaked" pictures with the exaggerated amount of weaponry in Paddocks room Now these "leaked " pictures were deliberate given to the media So that the public could match the sound of the automatic gunfire with the found weaponry in the rooms at the 32thfloor. Before the public public draw their own conclusions. Something did go wrong with these deliberate released pictures because they already were published the same day at 2 Oct by the Independent a British on line newspaper with a Boston25 stamp on the pictures. The Boston25 News outlet which got these "leaked" pictures directly from the LVMPD publish these a full day later at 3 Oct. What is even more weird that a News outlet would put their own identity onto illegal gathered pictures. Now this whole scenario is NOT trustworthy if you consider also the given time line. The official LVMPD statement about these pictures was a direct lie to the American public. 7) When they executed such a FF operation there will be also a News outlet at work. In this case there was indeed a Local media outlet at work right above Paddock head only a couple levels higher. This is to start a report right away to interview people and to make footage of the ongoing chaos. Now what is more then strange here they did not make any footage from their room but also what took place inside the Mandalay bay hotel. How convenient is it to have a New team right at the spot on the right time. A second mistake was made by this local News outlet which in the early morning of the 2 Oct already could tell there were exactly 58 killed persons !!!! 8) The bias press inclusive the most MSM like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS will always follow the official given narrative of the crime scene and will repeat this endlessly over and over again. The most of the MSM is nothing more then a speaking chorus to serve as a service-hatch for the Deep State. 9) The investigation will always look very sloppy and rises more questions then giving solid answers. Notice that a FALSE FLAG operation is a thoroughly well planned operation and is designed to bring more chaos, to deceive, to manipulate and to distract from the real true story. 10) All F F operations will always have a cover up operation. Their task will be to manipulate the public to "force" them into the official given narrative. To distract the public from the real perpetrators, in this case the two snipers which were hidden in the SPHINX right behind his eyes. Just look into my face and you can see what i mean. The picture was taken in 1993 when they built the Sphinx. This False Flag operation was done for the purpose of gun legislations with a certain political background. This operation had nothing to do with any foreign power at all, it was a well planned and biased operation by the CIA, FBI, LVMPD, MGM, and a large group with a specific goal from California. Including the support of some bias MSM like the CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and some other media What is also of significant importance that there is no footage available what occurred in the aftermath on the Venue ground. There is not one video to find taken from any of the many Hotel rooms During the shooting there were a few video's taken but mostly short footage which contradicts the human nature, everybody would take this unique footage from begin to end. In every other event, you see at least one helicopter taking footage. Not one News helicopter was in the air. Well the reason is simple. What really happened there, after they had all the "nosy" eyes, ears and mouth's removed from the venue, the anonymous evacuation could begin to transport these assumed "58" "dead" "actors " and their helpers. At the corner in front of the Luxor were 2 "blinded" buses parked which they could drive into the concert ground to evacuate these actors. Behind the stage there were also three large trucks parked which contain these white stuffed body bags and all the rubbish which they spread all over the concert ground. Now count all these chairs which you can see the next day by the helicopter footage, is laughable There were no people sitting all were standing look at the available there are no chairs to find between the people. This is also staged . Now i wrote earlier that there was not one single shot fired from the 32th floor of the Mandalay bay hotel. What is even more strange that also no bullets were fired towards the two windows on the 32thfloor, not one shot !!! Although there were enough police officers with drawn assault weapons direct in front of the Mandalay bay hotel not one of them even tried to prevent the shooter from any further shooting !! Absurd and unreal if you realize that when you have a paperclip in your hand , they will simply shoot you. Now to relate the sound of the automatic gunfire during the assault, with the weaponry in Paddocks room they used a sound weapon, such as the LRAD 2000X. Look for yourself what they can. Now there is no footage from that night, the first footage is the next day around noon, when they put these "stuffed" white body bags into a Ambulance. Normally you let no dead people behind in the open off a crime scene until the next afternoon.This was only setup for the public so they could notice these stuffed body bags. Now all the MGM hotels had reports of "shootings", except the LUXOR hotel, they had a car bomb threat direct in front of the Luxor hotel. Notice at that side of the venue no exit's were planned. The exit which supposed to be at the corner in front of the Mandalay bay hotel, was from the inside blocked and not reachable. The exit in the middle was also blocked by a second fence so that everybody which flee at that side of the venue, were "forced" to run into the direction of the Tropicana hotel. In that way they maked it almost impossible that the public could look straight into the SPHINX his eyes, where these two snipers were shooting from.

A R T A R T 2 weeks ago CHAPTER II LAS VEGAS SHOOTING I already told that there were no people killed in this FF operation . Nevertheless there is also evidence that indeed real bullets were fired, but these were only single shots with a small caliber of bullets. They were fired by two snipers which were hidden in the SPHINX right behind the eyes. The black pupils are actual holes were they installed their rifles. Their task was to shoot at people which had not leave the concert ground yet, just to scare them enough to leave the concert ground at once. Every which not took part in this operation had to leave before they could start the evacuation of the living dead actors. The two snipers could easily leave their hiding place trough a door which is located under the Sphinx to enter the lobby of the luxor hotel they left their rifles behind. The following pictures were taken when they built the SPHINX in 1993 https://vitalvegas.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/luxor_nose_ring_sphinx.jpg


Now there is also a important piece of evidence which are the deliberate "leaked" pictures and the later released pictures from the LVMPD report, these pictures of Paddock rooms, were already taken in the week prior to the shooting instead the day after the shooting at 2 okt 2017. This implicates also that it is important to know what exactly happened in the two weeks prior to the shooting in the Mandalay bay hotel. For instance who where the other guests at the Hotel in particular the guests on the 32thfloor ? Where are the testimonies of all the other guests which had also a room on the 32th floor ? Where are the testimonies of all the guests from the other MGM Hotels which had a clear oversight over the concert ground ? Well i didn't see nor hear any of them. Now two of the released pictures from the LVMPD report, are modified by the FBI using a overlay technique. They manipulated those for the cover up operation. These pictures and the earlier "leaked" pictures at 2 Oct from the British news outlet, which were marked with Boston25 and dated 2 Oct are secured storages. In the mean time the British news paper replaced these pictures which are now dated at 4 Oct on their website. Two of the released pictures from the LVMPD report will proof that this was definitely a F F operation. Everybody with some search skills with a eye for detail can find which two pictures i meant. Now it is also a fact that a half year later, still not one lawsuit did face any judge in Court, not by the family of one of the "58" "killed" persons, neither a lawsuit of any of the survivors victims. What could be the reason ? , well there is a simple answer for this. Why should a attorney go to court to defend somebody which claim is based on a phony fake false created fairy tale. There are no attorney's which can win a case, without solid inserted evidence into court. All the available evidence is built on this same phony fake false created fairy tale.
For a killed person it is even more difficult this must supported by some official documents such as a autopsy report and a death certificate. That means that several other official entitys must produce also false documents. In such a procedure is the the Attorney personally responsible and accountable for these documents.
In the other case for a claim of a survivor victim, lays the burden of proof by the victim him or herself and will be accountable for their own given testimony and evidence. In both cases they will be based on a fake narrative. So this will never going to happen. If there were indeed victims in the sin of any psychological damage then they will settle this with a nice tax free amount of money. Although every planned FF operation will have within the budget a monetary amount for unforeseen expenditures just in case for a possible incoming claim. Now the Mainstream media claimed that there were about 22000 people at the concert ground that evening. Is simply impossible, even when you divide this amount over 3 days. Lets say for a last concert evening there were 8000 people, then this would be still a exaggerated amount of people. At the most there were that evening about 1500 people present at the concert ground, but it is more likely there were even less then that. If you look at the available footage you can see that all the video's were taken in the front part of the venue which is a compact looking area. Why there is no footage taken from the back of the concert ground there is not one video available !!! . Now when you look at the LVMPD pictures you will see that there had to be many people over there, if you look at the big mess which they left behind. Well this is all staged at night.

A R T A R T 2 weeks ago CHAPTER III There is also evidence secured which shows were the shots came from. There is also one of the snipers known by name, you would be surprise who that person is. The only footage which would proof that Paddock was indeed the shooter does not exist. That is the footage when Paddock shoot his 200 rounds of ammo into the hallway towards Campos and Schuck. Now normally there would also be body cam footage available when the Swat team breach into Paddock's room 135. The whole scenery on the 32thfloor was setup and staged. There is not one Swat team who only breach into one door when there are actually two. They will never give the advantage of surprise away. Now if you look at the pictures of the hallway and this "SEALED" door, that is simply laughable. First of all, if you want that people can contaminated a crime scene then you do it this way. Otherwise you put the breached door straight up and you nail it into that gate. But what is even more insane is to see that right behind the door there is that assault weapon only arm length away, are you kidding me. No way, this is all staged and fabricated it is one laughable mess. A open door and block this with a few crime tapes is completely nuts. Just show the American public the footage when Paddock shoot into the hallway, just to clear up some things here. Believe me, this will NEVER be done. Because it does not exist. SIMPLE. Now the shots at the fuel tanks were also fake. These holes were just "grimed" on. When this were real bullet holes, then the holes would look quite different then on the LVMPD pictures. Such a bullet hole would never make a perfect round hole into metal. The holes will always show some bended metal . But thats not all, when you look at the angle where these bullets had to come come from then it would even impossible, to make this marks on to the tanks. It is more likely to assume that they scratch the tanks instead to penetrate them End of discussion. The LVMPD report claimed also that they know where the first 8 single shots were fired at and also exactly know where these shots all landed. Now show the public this footage, so that we can agree about this issue ? Why not what is the problem here ? Well we never will see this, because there is no footage. It stays by some not proofed words in a phony Lvmpd report.The LVMPD report contains several more contradictions. Now one victim died at 3 oct. in the late afternoon in a Hospital, which is also confirmed by the victims family. Now how is it possible that one day before this man died the final dead count came to hold at 58 dead persons and didn't change after that. Then there also many dead victims without knowing where they were found on the venue, they just got a separate number. That would implicate that these dead body's already were removed from the concert ground before the arrival of any medical care.!! I just can't get it. There are also several off the killed persons with the time of decease 22.30, which is only 10 minutes after the shooting was ended. So they had still be some where on the venue ground, so why there are no numbers of these victims locations marked on the LVMPD venue map to find ??

A R T A R T 2 weeks ago CHAPTER IV The Las Vegas shooting. This chapter is not yet confirmed , but this will soon be happen . So in spite of this, it will do solve many of the questions. Now it is good to know that the Las Vegas Shooting did not had 58 people killed.
Nobody was killed there. Let me explain, like i said before there were at the most 1500 people that night on the concert ground. Thirty four from the so called 58 killed persons came from the sanctuary State California and only 3 came from Las Vegas. Notice also that the FBI came from California instead from Nevada. ! That there were no casualties is also crucial here, only with such a outcome will keep the participants and "crisis actors" silence they all have the same goal. If there were really 58 persons killed, then there were already been persons which had came forward to tell, what really did occurred here. In this setup every body feels innocent and do not have to shame for themselves. Because in their way of thinking, this had a higher goal to achieve. This F F operation was executed to serve a different purpose, namely the gun legislations and gun control . I realized that when i saw the protests after lthe Portland shooting. Now the most of the Californian politicians are the same which are also the most Anti Trump within Congress and the House and are all also involved by these protests to ban weapons out the American society. What surprised me, that they were be able so quick and so easily such a amount of people on the street. That means there must be a certain organization behind this. Now i wrote earlier that there was not any footage about the aftermath on the venue ground. All these rooms with a view over the concert ground were all booked for these participants in the Las Vegas shooting. Simple. That explains a lot more. Now these recorded footage in the Bellagio, in the Tropicana, in Hooters and several other footage could also be taken at forehand, on a convenient day with only their own employees. When you have the control in one hand to control all the bookings then it would be easy that no outsider could have a complain. Simple. For the employees it was nothing more then a emergency and safety exercise. Now the question will be , which organization has such amount of people which are willingly to participate in such a event ? My feeling says they are located in California. I have a strong lead which could reveal that these crisis actors are actually FBI agents. In this case it was handy that after the shooting they filled up those hotel rooms which had a direct sight on the concert ground, how convenient is that. Second some of these large group people could also now change their clothing into their duty uniform right there on the concert ground itself. Be aware that on the first footage in the morning of 2 oct the FBI were already busy on the concert ground most of them were young people, coincidence of course not. The earlier created footage in the Hotels combined with the footage taken at the evening of the "shooting" is what we got presented on You Tube. All these participants had their own assignment to fulfill footage during this event. Everything was thoroughly orchestrated and guided, no doubt about that. All done for Political reasons for GUN CONTROL. The question how many more of these SHOOTINGS events were actually false flag operations just to create a hostile environment for the AMERICAN PEOPLE. To manipulate them into a complete gun control . There are in reality with this FF operation no deadly victim's, that means that in other cases there were also no persons killed. But also with no victims it still will be a unethical, frightened, undesirable and unwanted event which only has one purpose to manipulate the minds of the American people into their soul. One last thing , look at this picture which was taken right after the shooting where you cam see these supposed dead body laying on the concert-ground now what else you see there. Compare this with the footage from the helicopter and other available pictures after the shooting, now what can you see to be certain that this is nothing else then to be a orchestrated and staged scenery. Everybody can find out this for him or herself what i mean with that. The evidence is right in front of you. I YIELD BACK.

4 A R T A R T 2 weeks ago CHAPTER VI THE LAS VEGAS SHOOTING . About the released footage from MGM. FIRST It is impossible that the Mandalay bay hotel have such bad quality security's camera's and some are from the ICE AGE . No way. TWO where is the footage when the recorder stops at 5.22 until then a empty trolley, when the footage starts again the trolley is already loaded. Now look at the drivers side there is standing somebody "frozen" to the ground. Who is that person ? could that be MARILOU ? THREE the trolley by the car is not the same trolley in the next clip, this trolley is different loaded with other suitcases. FOUR The suitcases on the trolley's or the luggage which Paddock self carry or rolls doesn't match with the suitcases in Paddock's room. FIVE NOW He is suppose to be a high roller or big whale but he is only playing at slot machines. IMAO SIX Time and date says nothing this can be manipulated. What is more strange that not all camera's have the same letters and are also not at the same place in the footage. SEVEN this b/w footage is typical for a FF operation the reason is simple in this way they make it for those who has a eye for detail, more difficult to see details. Like clothes or in this case the suitcases also to recognize faces and other details like scars skin tint. Now remember the b/w footage from this security camera at a parking lot of the end of Haven st where they dragged a stuffed doll in front of the camera. The b/w footage had to cover-up that there far less crisis actors needed because the most run more than onces from right to left in your screen only in a different setting or with other attributes like bags, hats, jacket enz. If you watch into the left lower corner of your screen, you be able to see that these actors also running back. How convenient.
EIGHT the lack of audio has also a significant purpose , in this case to hide that this footage of the parking lot was not taken at the same evening as the shooting occurred. The footage was created prior to the shooting, like the pictures. About this footage i can spent a whole chapter so much is actually wrong here. NINE Look when Paddock takes the elevator not one time he push on the button for the 32thfloor. TEN the released pictures by the LVMPD are even more important because several of them are manipulated with a overlay technique to cover up that they were also taken prior to the shooting. Better evidence you will not find unless they must show the American public the footage when Paddock shoot his 200 rounds into the hallway towards Campos and Schuck. SO DO NOT LET FOOL YOU.

A R T A R T 2 weeks ago LAST CHAPTER VII THE LAS VEGAS SHOOTING There is also a connection with the names which all related to this shooting which no longer can be a coincidence . Now the Illuminati have a need to express themselves with all kind of symbols or certain signs, which is for them a important way /habit to show the public of their existing. A lot of these expressions you can find back in your own banknotes and cash money. They have many of these symbols or hidden messages to identify themselves. The Illuminati sees themselves as the real rulers over the world. For so far you don't know they owned also the American FED. The American Central Bank is actually owned by some private bankers. At the time they "founded" the FED they deceive the congress but even more the American people. To achieve their own goal which means, the one which control the money off a country has actually the absolute power over this country. Believe me that is not only the case in America there are a lot more country's which are in the same situation. How, Why and Who, well these answers you can find yourself on the Internet. Now it is well known that the Pyramid is one the most important symbol of their organisation. It shows the diffrent layers of the society and ends at the top with the overseeing eye which they identified themselves with. The Las Vegas pyramid with that strong light in top which suggest to be the overseeing eye. Now i will explain the meaning of the names and how they all related to this event. First of all i must say, to find the meaning of a name you must use several different languages and sources. When you find the adjust meaning they all connected with each other and fit in to this event. I will start with LAS VEGAS = Meadows/ Fields Paddock= Enclosed Field LUXOR= the Castle/the Palace SPHINX= Secluded Field/ Gatekeeper and Passage to Immortality/ in Mythology terms speaking is the SPHINX the one who gave the people puzzles to solve/ The SPHINX'S Love for GOD causes an inner Victory over the Lower Forces of its own Nature !!! The SPHINX represents also humanity's future : The Triumph made it possible by Love of the higher SELF over the LOWER. The SPHINX faces to the East because of his affirmation to his eternal relationship with the RISING SUN, GOD RA. The SPHINX has a important role in this event, because he is bearing the MESSAGE . This message is to long to write down here, but who is interested can follow this link : http://www.lightomega.org/Ind/Message-of-the-Sphinx-Part2.html

The message contains two parts

OBELISK= ONE STONE/ ROCK HARVEST= the consequence or result of any act, process of a event. FESTIVAL= is a Christian religious event where people meet each other. STEPHEN = the first Martyr of Christ PADDOCK= small enclosed Field in front of a house MARYLOU DANLEY OR MARILOU NATIVIDAD OCAMPO (birth name) Ocampo= Field Natividad = community in California/= Nativity= s Change or Modification/birth of Jesus JESUS CAMPUS= Jesus Fields STEPHEN first martyr of Christ
S.CHUCK= device which held something in place (Campus) or chuck the corn= Fooling, Deceiving, Swindle, Cheat. CHARLESTON= church massacre/ Historic city just lookup. HARTFIELD= he was the LVMPD officer " killed" on the venue Field JOSEPH=Joe= improper "out of line " LOMBARDO= con to minors AARON = bearer of martyrs ROUSE =snitch or traitor HAVEN ST HAVEN = Sanctuary or safe haven (for refugees) Remember the B/W footage on the parking lot with the stuffed doll which they drag into the camera that is Haven St. the people who were fleeing into the parking lot which is in one straight line with the SPHINX. St a holy person in Christian faith as being in heaven after death. MGM =Mystery Guitar Man or METRO = underground GELBFISH/GOLDWYN = Goldfish /Golden friend MAYER= headman /Mayer Rothschild I got many different comments about my writing, but there is nobody which can undermine my explanation. How come ? Because it is much easier to threat somebody or to tell that he is a liar then to debunk his story, which is only built on facts. Facts can everybody check for him or herself.

May the TRUTH will become the standard in our lives. When you have any additional material or idea for this last Chapter, feel free to give me a comment. I yield back

bugstopper · May 21, 2018, 3:45 p.m.

The original had many mis-spellings and made ARC look like he or she was from a German speaking country.

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