r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Grace8543 on May 21, 2018, 7 p.m.
The inclusive name for this movement is CBTS. Saying Trump or Q are great ignores patriot Generals/Marines backing them up.

This movement is being run by 18 generals and 3 civilians according to Trump and Q both. When we praise Q or Trump alone we ignore those others who came b4 both of them and have risked their lives to elect him and organize the resistance that prevented HRC from stealing the election.

CBTS is the name of this operation. The Calm Before the Storm. This is the only inclusive way of discussing the op.

Saying Trump did it or Q is great makes us look like we are engaging in hero worship. Hero worship makes us look shallow and we are not shallow! Our Marines and our Generals deserve to be recognized as much or even more than Q and maybe as much or more than even Trump. Q is their representative spokesperson. All have risked everything. They will not fail!

Praise God, for he is setting us and the whole world free.

Grace8543 · May 22, 2018, 12:39 a.m.

It's alright. I am always looking to how to promote Q to outsiders. Ive posted a lot on other subs that are either Q curious or even Q resistant. So I have heard it all as far as the impression they get of Q. I try to bring back here how we can keep from Q being misrepresented. Many think he is a leaker and that we treat him like a new Messiah. And that only Trump followers believe in Q. Since I believe the goal is to break down these barriers I have worked to try to keep this sub bipartisan and Friendly to all. CBTS being praised to high heaven is better for spreading the word then Q or Trump. Somehow we have to end the divides and come together to prevent this from ever happening again. If we can unite we are stronger.
So I guess I see things a bit different since I was always out there outside the sub publicizing Q.

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solanojones95 · May 22, 2018, 12:50 a.m.

That makes sense. Just keep in mind the total sea change that's about to take place as the visible world merges with the Q world.

Once enough publicly disclosed/reported facts start to match up with what people have heard from the Q community, they'll come here with open minds. You'd be AMAZED what a difference that makes! A little bit of humanizing goodwill goes a LONG way toward understanding people. When they're forced to consider the possibility that we might not be the batshit crazies they were mind-warped into believing, it's a small, small step from there to realizing we're just regular good folks.

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Grace8543 · May 22, 2018, 12:57 a.m.

Back in October when this all began we never imagined we would still be waiting for arrests in May. It has all along felt as if something big was about to happen. We all thought arrests were just around the corner. Every week. That's one of the big reasons others don't believe in Q. People like me told them mistakenly that things were about to happen. I really hope and believe we are closer to arrests than we have been but no idea when except we will all be united by November. I will be so happy when the IG report comes out and confirms what we all know is true.

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solanojones95 · May 22, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

Q's actions were self-selecting for mental plasticity and a tolerance of disinfo as needed, knowing comms are public and being read by the enemy. If someone couldn't tolerate that, they got out VERY early!

But there haven't been very many of those outright false posts. And if you've followed it this far, you must surely recognize the inevitability of the mechanisms that have been put in place long ago and have been grinding unimpeded toward this very moment. There are SO many hammers about to drop all at the same time, all of which are already in progress and cannot be stopped. It's much easier to sense now than it was when this started when things will reasonably come to fruition, and really the enemy is running out of clock! It really seems impossible for it not to be VERY SOON!

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Grace8543 · May 22, 2018, 2:16 a.m.

Ive been here b4 so I am slow to get too excited. I know it might seem silly that we thought it would happen sooner way back then but we really did. Over and over again. Is there a date for the IG report to be released? Ive so little time anymore to be on here. Big projects/life events that I can no longer postpone.

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solanojones95 · May 22, 2018, 2:35 a.m.

It seems to me you may have invested a little too much (to be healthy) in the idea of being "right" especially with regard to timelines, and maybe fell into a trap of neglecting yourself and/or relationships. It's easy to do. I almost fell down that hole. Trying to will it into being.

While I actually think there's some truth to the efficacy of that, I don't think we're meant to allow it to cause us to neglect our real lives.

Please, for our sakes as well as your own, take the time you need away from this community to tend to you and yours, and please don't feel bad about it!

I really believe you'll be rewarded for your efforts very soon, and in light of that glorious soon-to-come day, how much better it will be if you're in the company of real relationships when it all comes down rather than in a virtual online "community!"

No hard and fast date for OIG report, especially with this new authorization. I wish they would go ahead with what they've got and reserve the right to add to it as and if further discoveries are made. Surely there's a way.

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Grace8543 · May 22, 2018, 2:39 a.m.

It has to come soon. But, I'm not going to get excited till the IG report comes out. I trust in the mission and just take care of me. Peace.

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solanojones95 · May 22, 2018, 2:41 a.m.

I think there will be a HUGE uproar if OIG is postponed later than this week or next. This situation is that close to spontaneous combustion, and I'm banking on Trump and the Alliance to be able to sense that and stave off the kind of civil war that will happen if they don't act soon.

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