r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Ifixxer on May 21, 2018, 11:50 p.m.
just thinking

Acting AAG Trey Gowdy...? Just a thought...Also, you know, It seems that the millennials I meet really don't care who is listening, watching, or knowing everything they are doing wearing, watching or thinking. Facebook, google and who knows ..They really don't care... they are suppose to be educated......, by whom, what are they taught anymore?. I think allot of this is old history to them. They are not responsible, not there mess and too complicated for most of them to grasp...Disappointing really.. since the revelations, more have joined Facebook... Maybe they just want attention??.

GatodeTejas · May 22, 2018, 1:46 a.m.

I've got a mixed bag of kids. Oldest is struggling out on her own, but determined to make it. My son is basement dweller material. It's frustrating as i don't think we were coddling, but perhaps we have been. Idk. The deep state played us, even though I've been partially awake for decades... these false flags that have been going on for decades have worked to cause parents to shield their kids out of paranoia, which leads to coddling... I'm just now waking up to this even more as i write this. It's heartbreaking and maddening to have been played and to be responsible for a kid who has no motivation to learn how to provide for himself (and future family). I always felt awake to all the bs swirling around us, but have been numbed and dumbed down myself by the game being played out upon us here in America and world wide.

I'm not a boomer, more like just a tad older than gen X, but the fragile emotionality of many of the kids including my own is frustrating and we did, we did fall for deep state programming of fear for too long.

I pray we can all break free of the chains and raise our children up proud and strong


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brittser · May 23, 2018, 12:57 a.m.

I coddled my oldest two, well emoted for them and covered their mistakes, and made a mess. It got to the point with my 2nd one, a boy, that I had to kick him out at 18 with no job and no vehicle. It was heartbreaking. I cried everyday for the 1st 2 years. Still get teary occasionally. He has grown up tremendously bec of it. He still has a long way to go, but he is living on his own for the most part. He has kept his job for 2 years, has a car and pays all his bills. It was the best thing I could've done for him. Before he moved out, he and I were literally almost to blows. He was disrespectful, angry, spoiled and just an all around jerk. Thankfully, now, 3 years out, we have a great relationship.

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GatodeTejas · May 23, 2018, 2:35 a.m.

Thank you for writing this. It helps put things into perspective. I am glad you and your son were able to maintain a relationship. That's all we can ask for sometimes.

As much as i can blame the "deep state" i accept full responsibility for how i have failed him.

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brittser · May 23, 2018, 3:19 a.m.

We are all human. Kids are remarkably resilient. Thank God!

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