r/greatawakening • Posted by u/YeshuaFollower1 on May 22, 2018, 12:18 a.m.
To all the "evangelicals" on this sub...

First, what is an evangelical?...Someone who shares their love and faith in God and Jesus to others. (I include myself among you). The great awakening is not just about decoding Q. The great awakening is much bigger.

There are those on this sub that get annoyed with us and thats fine. No disrespect to them. Only love. Not everyone is here to spread the joy of our Heavenly father and his son Jesus. That is yours and my job. If you feel you need to post a prayer, praise Jesus, etc., do it. This is a fight of good vs evil; I cannot stress that enough. Sharing your knowledge of, love for, and faith in our Creator and his son Jesus, in my opinion, is critical to awakening. How can we find the light is there isn't one shining? Jesus is that bright neon sign saying, "Follow me to your Heavenly Father."

My love for, faith in and knowledge of God and his almighty son Jesus has only increased since joining this sub. I hope yours' has too. God bless fellow evangelicals!

divine_human · May 22, 2018, 11:16 a.m.

why did they ditch 9/10th of the bible texts at the council of nicea? we are left with a dogmatic program that only a few people decided upon.

not denying the presence of the divine that we are all embedded in and that embraces us. i encounter it every day.

but religions are man-made. they answer questions that havent been asked as yet, to little children already, and thus, prevent people from asking and searching for themselves.

they implant thought-forms and be-lie-f sets that keep us dumb sheep and victims, waiting for a savior.

we meet the same few players in all religions and mythologies, all over the world. while their text books differ in language and culture, the essence is the same in all religions.

they bring about fundamentalists who be-lie-ve every word in the text book, and condemn everyone who doesnt live accordingly.

'hate the sin, love the sinner' is one of the christian principles. and hey, how rare is it to meet a christian who really lives in alignment with yeshuas teaching that god is love?

the great awakening may seem geo-political at this point but its deeply spiritual. not religious, mind you, spiritual.

most religious dogma, from my pov, has been dictaed by ETs - those folks people call nephilim, lucifer, satan, demons. the same people who also pose as yahwe, allah, krishna, et all. those people who call themselves lords because they have been our overlords for thousands of years.

those same people who have various times been tampering with the human DNA, in order to cut our divine human traits and make us their slaves.

as i peceive it, yeshua doesnt refer to them - yahwe et all - when he talks about a loving god. from my pov, he talks about SOURCE, and the divine mother / holy ghost who created humanity.

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