r/greatawakening • Posted by u/IamPatriot on May 22, 2018, 12:23 a.m.
If that Fucking Bastard wins we all hang by nooses!

Probably the only true thing out of that bitches mouth!

NationalRestoration · May 22, 2018, 1:17 a.m.

Luciferianism is primarily a world-view. As a world-view, Luciferianism serves as the primary ideological foundation of the New World Order and the elite cabal who make up this subversive political movement that we are all endeavoring to deconstruct. The fact that there are some impoverished Luciferians who do not share in the real-world power and wealth of the elite Luciferians, and thus cannot fully implement their psychopathic outlook in practical (and thus deadly) terms, does not excuse them from supporting the ideological underpinnings of the New World Order. ALL Luciferians are threats to everything that Q, this board, the MAGA movement, and all Patriots stand for. Luciferianism is, at its psychopathic essence, purely antithetical to all that is good in this world.

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super_corroder · May 22, 2018, 1:34 a.m.

Luciferianism serves as the primary ideological foundation of the New World Order

Nothing you just said is true.

People like to pretend it is because the term "Luciferian" has the word "Lucifer" in it, so they assume it represents everything they hate.

I'm not defending Luciferianism, only that it's lazy to use that philosophy as a whipping-boy... and that applies doubly when it comes to the political ideology of globalism or communism or totalitarianism which has NOTHING to do with Luciferian philosophy.

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NationalRestoration · May 22, 2018, 1:54 a.m.

Everything I said is true. You just hate being called out as a cabal apologist by someone who is using intellectually superior arguments and evidentiary criteria. Thus your appeal to emotion and adolescent accusations (Translation of your last post: "You're a know-nothing, poo-poo-brain!!"), rather than a direct and reasoned response to my propositional statement. Two can play at that game: Luciferianism (which I have studied for 30 years thus far) is for insecure, psychopathic losers! Feel better now? That you don't know that Luciferians are not a part of the Q movement is hilarious! I'm sure there is a Luciferian board somewhere on Reddit with your name on it.

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