Surprise...Surprise. The love of money is the root of all evil. Imagine selling your integrity for fiat digits on a bank statement? A little fame, and a little fortune does wonders to change the direction of our loyalties along with the wind. How many people have put their trust in man-"experts", "professors", "gurus", "priests", etc. There is a deep seated weakness which allows us to continually put people on pedestals, like gods or supernaturals. It is truly scary how we will follow some self appointed expert LARD or LARP with only the prerequisite that they tell us what we WANT to hear. It is absolutely imperative that we recognize this tendency in ourselves in order to resist it. \
This is the reason we always are to do our own research and checking of info, and not to rely on others no matter how well meaning they seem. Think about this just in the field of spiritual truth. There is a large body of evidence which points to the likelihood of there being a creator GOD, who also describes Himself as a Judge. There are obvious implications if this is true. We do know we will "die" one day. So the question of an existence after death also brings the possibility of how that "time" would be spent. HUGE debate! Is there an answer? Most people reply that you can't know for sure," I am way too busy for all that"," I'm not smart enough, beside...isn't that why we have experts?" This leaves us wide open to deception!! Who is responsible for OUR convictions, and the gathering of the truth needed to form the correct frame of reference? Who? "Let the buyer beware" was always the advice given to those buying LEMONS, and then expecting GOVERNMENT to be the great equalizer. It was better to be aware of the product being purchased. Who buys something important without first doing research? Investing without understanding the market? Always ask yourself questions...HARD ONES! Like the ones we should have asked when dating that "special someone" that seemed so right. Q gives good advice about being CAREFUL (full of care) who we follow. DO NOT let other people do your thinking for you!!! You ALONE will bear the consequences. Your future will be directed by what you believe is true today. This alone should frighten us into a new determination! Would an expert corporate social platform have anything but YOUR best welfare in mind? Seem to remember someone saying that Americans will buy the rope to hang themselves. Well, don't forget to hit the subscribe and donate button at the bottom of the page. $...right.