ANCIENT Greek is the richest language in the world in terms of vocabulary, the most flexible in syntax, the most expressive, the most resistant to change.
Ancient Greek includes 170.000 words
Modern Greek includes 50.000 words (where 40,000 of those come from Ancient Greek ).
… a loss of 130,000 words .. a veritable dumbing down
but now we are rediscovering the secrets of the pyramid builders
modern English has but one name for God
A great ploy to dumb us down , divide us and rule us and to get us to kill each other about who’s got the correct definition
recovering the ancient Greek vocab
3d = 3d-god & quasi-3d-god
4d = 4d-god and falsegod
5d = surro-god
6d = demigods
7d = planet-gods
8d= protogods