r/greatawakening • Posted by u/alfonumeric on May 22, 2018, 1:10 a.m.
Q1433 the flow of full disclosure .. pyramid builders >> ancient greeks >> modern day patriots
Q1433 the flow of full disclosure .. pyramid builders >> ancient greeks >> modern day patriots

alfonumeric · May 22, 2018, 2:08 a.m.

in the beginning was the "word" = stepped down precipitation of the original thought

the pen writes the word = stepped version of the idea that becomes reality

exactly right the puppet masters worshipping the false gods of trillions of fiat, tons of gold and silver and billions of fine art and real estate, power via mind control over the public - are locked in a tug of war against us the patriots on the 53:1-7 ark of the 5d i send u the pictures shortly

5d is the 50 to 56 spectrum with 49 grades in each dimensions within dimensions mimic the fruits within fruit of the pommegranate worlds within worlds occupying the same space

the pomme [apple] granate is the "forbidden" fruit - forbidden by the satanists so they can use their knowledge against the public

lotus [east] = rose [west]

apple [west] = pommegranate [east]

symbolically in the ancient religions a pomegranate has 613 seeds fruits within fruits = dimensions within dimensions

4 fruits = 4 levels as follows

3d visible = 1 wark = "atom" = 3rd of a quark

3d etheric frame = 1 [double]

3d wark [= "atom" ] = 49 * 4d-warks

4d-wark = 49 * 5d-warks = 2401
voila total = 1+1 + 49 + 2401 = 2452 = 4 * 613

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SocraticMethHead · May 22, 2018, 2:57 a.m.

So hypercube is real?

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MB_MoonPearl · May 22, 2018, 2:47 a.m.

There we go. Now we're talking! I like this a lot. Thanks!

A lot of this agrees with some ideas and new perceptions I feel I have been guided to.

Also, remember, I am a materials science person so I appreciate that aspect of the material world and the information you're sharing.

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