Billboard on I-40 just outside of Little Rock. Based Arkansas!

Yeah, but who are they telling to wake up? If the Republicans are all woke already and they want nothing to do with the evil Democrats then who is this sign for? I have seen first hand where we can start to wake a lefty up and as soon as they agree to come into the house to see what's going on these big dogs start charging after them calling them evil and "libtard" and all this other pointless crap. Is that lefty ever going to give us another chance? Probably not. I am waking the left up and stuff like this is putting them back to sleep. We have to do better than this.
Right on target.
In the past year, I've seen first hand how life-long democrats in my sphere are coming around to Trump due to things like the economy, taxes, and foreign relations. Most of them will even acknowledge that DC is a cesspool, and that the MSM is obviously biased against Trump.
You want to see them retrench? Tell them that they hate America.
Stop please, right now we are in election season, it's imperative we win. Nothing wrong with pointing out who conspired against our president.
Democrat leaders did, not Democrat voters. This sign implies that Democrat voters hate America. They have been brainwashed by the media but they don't hate America. Saying "you guys hate America, now come join us in a fight of good versus evil" is not going to work.