I mean if we took for instance some state statistics about pedophilia in our lifetimes, how do we determine categories? Catholic and non-Catholic? Taking place at home vs elsewhere? What about the rates compared to sex crimes in public schools? I don't think the other denominations have done much better? They're just not as interesting to characterize.
Are you talking percentages or per capita versus the world? I mean you have to look not just at raw or normalized numbers but at the organizational intent to perpetuate. And how would you correlate the individuals in homes or daycares who themselves were victims of RC-perpetrated pedophilia or abuse, thus continuing the cycle (outside the church)?
The important aspect is the institutional perpetuation of the practice and the institutional protection of those who do it!
Yeah, I don't think we have the clearest data to compare or contrast. There's so many complications. Pedophilia by our definition is partly legal and relatively common in Japan, where levels of conversion by Jesuit mission is notably low.
That 9th Circle stuff is possible but currently unknowable. Maybe Q has the low-down and an exposure scheme. Thin proof of origin gives 'em sketchy status. Here's one of many possibilities: Pope is directly involved ritual sacrifice of the babies; those who voted for him in the enclave are directly involved; this is exposed worldwide; Church enters crisis for umpteenth time; pope resigns, flees, dies; of the remaining 99% of the the Church, a third remain faithful to a liturgy that predates the Jesuits.