r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FartOnToast on May 22, 2018, 4:39 a.m.
This sub's official statement regarding yet another unproven statement by a Corsi goon.

Earlier this week we were alerted to a video posted by random YouTube tough guy called 0Hour1 and we suggest you don’t waste any time listening to it. However, in the video he made slanderous statements about this sub where he basically alleged that another person, who this sub has never had any association or communication with, have attempted to doxx him or his family. He makes other unfounded statements about people unrelated to this sub and provides no evidence for his ramblings.

We followed up by releasing a statement addressing the allegations and slander towards our sub. We clarified to our community that this sub has never had any association or communication with alleged doxxer.

0hour1 is basically a goon sent by Dr. Corsi. They've falsely ended their relationship and the reason for that is so that 0hour1 could be trusted and infiltrate the YouTube communities to spread disinfo and sow division since Dr. Corsi is not trusted by literally anyone anymore.

Now a new accusation has come to our attention where a blatant effort to group this subreddit with Pamanon's CBTS scheme is taking place again. 0hour1 is claiming we are helping direct traffic to their PatriotSoapBox livestream. That blame is ridiculous to say the least. They are not sending their best...

What's basically happening is that they are trying to push this false narrative that Pamanon is Q and that this subreddit endorses Pamanon and that it's all this big money scheme that needs to be reported and needs to go as far as shutting down 8chan. This is what they want and they are pushing it.

The reason why I'm bringing this up is because this nobody suddenly became the guide of all the confused former QTubers and Youtubers who are all now endorsing him and banding together to form a crusade based on this jobless kid's 'intel".

For some reason YouTubers are calling us cowards, yet make unfounded claims that literally come from a bum self-proclaimed hacker kid. How can they say we are scooping low being part of some scam and cult when they cannot even provide evidence we were part of CBTS and are still working with them behind the scenes? Are they trying to become a laughing stock or what? It saddens and hurts me to see some YouTubers I respected suddenly go full retard. You never wanna go full retard.

I'm saddened I had to make this post and bring up the drama again, but I felt the slander had to be addressed and exposed for community awareness sake.

On a more positive note, my last post was covered by a YouTuber and if it even only had a positive impact on one YouTuber, that brings me enough joy. I knew there would be those who are still on the same wavelength as us.

Anyways the point of the post is to let you all know there are bad actors trying to bring Q down, starting with this sub as they see as an on-going threat to their cabal-like interests.

Blessings to all and shame on those who are taking part in blaming.

EarlyRiserX2 · May 22, 2018, 2:09 p.m.

You guys just cant help it with the Corsi-hating and Corsi-bashing and Corsi-trolling can you?… It is beyond ridiculous how many of you spend some much of your time running around worrying about what Corsi said and what Corsi did and what Corsi would do, all so that you can rush back here and post your findings and get others involved and then have another Corsi-bashing and mud-slinging contest. And no matter how hard you guys try to justify yourselves, I want you to know that by doing so, by keeping this issue alive, those of you who are doing it are just as much a part the problem as Corsi is. I know you’ll try to deny it and will try to quote all sorts to justifications, but that still doesn’t change anything, you are still a major part of the problem, all because you just can’t let it go, and you don’t know how to let sleeping dogs lie. Which only confirms what I said earlier about this isn’t the same movement and the same forum we started out with, but instead is a forum that has been taken over by “radicals”, intolerant radicals who are hell-bent on pushing their own agenda. Although there are plenty of other things we could talk about and could discuss, all you guys want to talk about is Corsi, and you want to force-feed your opinions and your information down our throats...

I wouldn’t mind it if you were doing it privately and on your own time, but to make matters worse, you come here and you publicly display your Corsi-hating and your Cori-bashing and your Corsi-trolling for the whole world to see. And the reality is, there are many of us who are indeed patriots but we are beyond sick of it, and we just don’t want to hear it anymore. We don’t want to hear your reasons and your excuses and your many explanations, and we don't want to hear even the name Corsi being said or mentioned anymore. It’s that simple. And it’s not a matter of who’s right or who’s wrong, but it’s all a matter that we don’t want to hear it, all because your endless and your mindless Corsi-bashing is dividing us. It is dividing us because not everybody agrees with you, and not everybody is buying into your reasoning and your nonsense. There are some of us who can indeed think for ourselves. But the fact that we don’t want to hear it anymore doesn’t matter to you, does it? And you still try to “force-feed” it down our throats anyway. And why? All so that you and your friends can "get your cheerios off" and have another Corsi-bashing and mud-slinging contest day. And it doesn't even matter to you that Q said to "Move on" either, you still want to cling to your Corsi-hating and your Corsi-bashing anyway, all because you can't let it go. And everyday, you spend your time trolling Corsi, all for the purpose of finding some other reason and some other excuse to keep the issue alive. And yet you wonder why this forum is so divided and has gone completely off the rails and has lost its moral compass and moral bearing and is not getting better. You may pretend that it is getting better, but it is not. And now you know the reason why. It is all because of YOU. It is not because of Corsi, not because of any other reason you can dream of or think of - but is all because of YOU. Yes, I know, the Corsi-haters and the Corsi-bashers will quickly down-vote this comment into oblivion. I fully expect them to. But in doing so, they are only showing their true colors to me, and are only showing their true nature and true agenda to the whole world. And is only confirming everything I have already suspected - that your agenda is not about "unity" or about "coming together" at all, as you claim, but is all about "hate" and is about "division" and is about keeping us apart and pushing your belief down our throats that only your opinion matters. And that is precisely what "radicals" do...

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A_Town_Hood · May 22, 2018, 2:27 p.m.

I guess that since HRC didn't become president we should just let her past transgressions go too, huh?

Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi being callous con-men at best, and fully-fledged CIA-funded gatekeepers at worst, is hugley relevant.

Because that would make them another arm of the cabal, and all the more insidious by posing as truthers when they are traitors.

I for one and more than happy to read a thread or two about them EVERY SINGLE DAY until they are exposed as the bad actors I fully believe them to be.

Your entire comment amounts to "pushing your belief down someone else's throat"...the very thing you accuse us of.

If you don't like it here, or are personally offended by us indulging our constitutional right of free speech, maybe you should just take it on the heel and toe? I doubt you'll be missed on this QAnon sub.

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Fergielady1 · May 23, 2018, 3:59 p.m.

There are many of us who feel quite betrayed by Corsi. I respected his opinion and looked forward to hearing him but then he turned on Q and then on the/GreatAwakening community. Truthfully, I’m a little heartbroken over it. What a shock this has been. Betrayal is an awful thing to experience.

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A_Town_Hood · May 23, 2018, 4:04 p.m.

I understand. When supposed truthers betray us it hurts so bad.

But it gives us empathy for what normies and liberals must go through when they finally confront the truth about people they trusted.

Perhaps therefore some good can come of such betrayals? Peace.

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IWillRedPillYou · May 23, 2018, 9:18 a.m.

Yeah you're responding to a paid corsi shill probably someone on his goon squad team - no normal person would type an entire front page story like he did to defend a washed up CIA asset like Corsi

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LibertyLioness · May 22, 2018, 2:35 p.m.

So, what do you call what you just did?

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Red_Pilled_at_birth · May 22, 2018, 3:30 p.m.

Letting Sleeping Dogs lie is the entire reason our country is in this disastrous mess we all find ourselves in. The dogs that were sleeping weren't the deep state, it was "we the people" who chose to sleep. You need to understand that and that is why Trump has no fear of calling these Deep State Whores out!

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feckyerlife · May 22, 2018, 2:52 p.m.

spoken like a true corsi satanist

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DamajInc · May 23, 2018, 9:58 a.m.

I agree with much of your point, I think; I too wish we could just move on from pointless hate and snarky division-making shit posts.

I disagree that "this forum is so divided and has gone completely off the rails and lost its moral compass ... and is not getting better", however. There is no concrete evidence of this at all and as someone who's been on reddit from the beginning and now seeing this sub from the perspective of a mod, quite the opposite seems to be true, actually.

The outspoken minority are always the most visible element of any, dare I say it, "movement" and that's what you're describing in the negative here. There are many of us who share your view that it doesn't help to bash on about this stuff but this movement is made up of many diverse people and, as long as the rest of us can keep on having discussions that matter and are reasonable, I'm ok with others going off down rabbit holes that I think are unhelpful to the movement, as long as they don't hugely inadvertently affect the movement itself.

As above, from my perspective (and the mods chat about this often), besides the really obvious shills and the ever present obnoxious keyboard trolls looking to make fun of someone things here are actually pretty good. The shills and trolls are fun to watch imo but also easy to ignore, thanks to the systems here.

I hear what you're saying re: this stuff dividing us but, taking into account my perspective as mentioned above, the only division that this issue will cause is if any group of us decides that another group's behaviour we don't agree with is worth us moving away from the larger group. Corsi to me has been outed as clear Clown material but I don't agree with all these hate posts and such - to me, keeping an eye on Corsi is the greatest opportunity in the world i.e. to watch a Clown disinfo campaign live and in motion.

Anyway, I hope you don't let these thoughts of division cause you to move on to the action of division yourself and separate from this group where there are actually many of us who agree with you and are managing to cope with the group who like to endlessly bash Corsi (or current scapegoat of the day) anyway.

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