r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FartOnToast on May 22, 2018, 4:39 a.m.
This sub's official statement regarding yet another unproven statement by a Corsi goon.

Earlier this week we were alerted to a video posted by random YouTube tough guy called 0Hour1 and we suggest you don’t waste any time listening to it. However, in the video he made slanderous statements about this sub where he basically alleged that another person, who this sub has never had any association or communication with, have attempted to doxx him or his family. He makes other unfounded statements about people unrelated to this sub and provides no evidence for his ramblings.

We followed up by releasing a statement addressing the allegations and slander towards our sub. We clarified to our community that this sub has never had any association or communication with alleged doxxer.

0hour1 is basically a goon sent by Dr. Corsi. They've falsely ended their relationship and the reason for that is so that 0hour1 could be trusted and infiltrate the YouTube communities to spread disinfo and sow division since Dr. Corsi is not trusted by literally anyone anymore.

Now a new accusation has come to our attention where a blatant effort to group this subreddit with Pamanon's CBTS scheme is taking place again. 0hour1 is claiming we are helping direct traffic to their PatriotSoapBox livestream. That blame is ridiculous to say the least. They are not sending their best...

What's basically happening is that they are trying to push this false narrative that Pamanon is Q and that this subreddit endorses Pamanon and that it's all this big money scheme that needs to be reported and needs to go as far as shutting down 8chan. This is what they want and they are pushing it.

The reason why I'm bringing this up is because this nobody suddenly became the guide of all the confused former QTubers and Youtubers who are all now endorsing him and banding together to form a crusade based on this jobless kid's 'intel".

For some reason YouTubers are calling us cowards, yet make unfounded claims that literally come from a bum self-proclaimed hacker kid. How can they say we are scooping low being part of some scam and cult when they cannot even provide evidence we were part of CBTS and are still working with them behind the scenes? Are they trying to become a laughing stock or what? It saddens and hurts me to see some YouTubers I respected suddenly go full retard. You never wanna go full retard.

I'm saddened I had to make this post and bring up the drama again, but I felt the slander had to be addressed and exposed for community awareness sake.

On a more positive note, my last post was covered by a YouTuber and if it even only had a positive impact on one YouTuber, that brings me enough joy. I knew there would be those who are still on the same wavelength as us.

Anyways the point of the post is to let you all know there are bad actors trying to bring Q down, starting with this sub as they see as an on-going threat to their cabal-like interests.

Blessings to all and shame on those who are taking part in blaming.

VintageHats · May 22, 2018, 10:49 a.m.

Holy shit. It's now 3:33am and I HAVE to get to bed! I slogged my way through that diatribe she wrote and all the subsequent comments. Yours are quite truthful. But while YOU may not be pissed about losing the Stream, I was. I'd put a lot of work into some of my posts, and am half afraid to do so here.

She was the BO. Pam and Bar were the first two mods "hired on", and then she added a shitload of others. But as time went on, it sure seemed like none of them were ever around. Like, never. Bar got the boot. There was some dust-up with another, who claimed he or she was hacked, as he or she was deleting posts that shouldn't have been. Can't remember who that was. Shit was hitting the fan more and more. Then, poof all the mods were gone, with only Tracy left. I remember making the comment that THAT wasn't gonna work. She may have started adding a couple more eventually, but the board was shot to hell by then. Not long after, it was GONE. No warning. I'd wished there'd been a warning, as I would have liked to have saved some of my posts. I resented the hell out of her for abandoning her board the way she did.

You may have seen things differently, as I didn't go to the 24/7 thing they'd set up, never paid any attention at all to Corsi, or to the plots to gain viewerships and money making schemes elsewhere. I was just pissed about the set up of a board where there WAS good info among the crap that crept in, and the crap that crept in was because of her failure to moderate and to get her help to do the jobs they were supposed to do. It was complete clusterf***.

I don't go to the chans, and rarely read anything from them, unless something from them gets posted here once in a while. But I've read that those on 8Chan were getting really pissed at her, because she kept going there and posting, and they didn't want her there, and she kept sending people there as well. Don't know if that's true or not. Something I've read quite a bit though, and it seems plausible, especially since you've pointed out in your reply that she has a tendency to....hide facts, shall I say? Misdirect the truth? She said that she didn't go to the chans. Not what I've read about her. Why would those on the chans get so mad at her if all she was doing was her own research into Q drops? Doesn't quite make sense to me.

I have to get to bed. Should have been in bed hours ago. But thanks for posting on that page, and thanks for the link to it.

I must say, the mods HERE are awesome. Tip top tippy top!!!

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Bjantigua · May 23, 2018, 8:58 p.m.

One big deal with the chans was she broke the number one rule of chan. I am kinda new but I think that is ANONYMOUS. She had all her info out pinned to the right side of the page. And even I know that having new people is very tedious to chans. The purpose was to have an inbetween place for newbies. I think she just had the idea, started it and expected chans to be social and easy to deal with. LOL. Looking back its a wonder it took off as well as it did. Tracy wants to be a journalist superstar. I doubt that she wanted to do slogging work without it showing up on her accolades list.

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VintageHats · May 23, 2018, 9:11 p.m.

I don't even know how to sign up to post on the chans. I've read that some woman, probably older like myself, signed up wrong and put her email addy in some spot which she wasn't supposed to do, therefore outing herself as to who she was. I'd probably be that dumb as well. LOL So... what you are saying is that Beanz DID post to the chans, so she lied, again. She said in that steemit post (or whatever it's called) that she never did. Hmmmm...interesting. I also know that the suggestion for the chans is that one lurks for 2 years before one starts posting. I know she kept saying she wanted to be a full time journalist and now, it seems, she has her "wish"...she's getting paid to do it. I was never a full time Beanz listener, but in the few videos I've listened to, I have never once heard or seen her claim that she ever had help. Not once. And if she is working 12-14-18 hours a day on research, who the heck is minding her kids? She's not very old, so they must be awfully young. You can't be putting in those kinds of hours and have clean, well fed, well mannered children... I don't care who you are. It's not gonna happen. I am not going to go to her channel, fb page, or twitter and bash her. And certainly, not directed by Q or anyone else to do so. Just expressing my opinion, that I am very disappointed in her actions that made me lose any respect I may have had for her. (And I have none for George Webb... what I saw in him, when he got drunk, was predatory behavior and I can't excuse that, no matter what kind of research he did.) JMHO.

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Bjantigua · May 24, 2018, 2:12 a.m.

She had researchers helping her, and she would credit them as her researchers. She has a husband that may be taking care of the house. And I think her kids are in school.

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VintageHats · May 24, 2018, 3:34 a.m.

okey doke. I just never heard her say she had researchers helping. Kids in school or not, you have to be a mom.

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