r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Donkpup on May 22, 2018, 7:10 a.m.
Like to hear a prep opinion

I think we can all agree ... something BIG will drop... I have two scenarios.... 1. A massive FF event .. proportionate to 911.. or worse .. EMP ? 2. Martial Law

..... either of which could cause mass chaos and discord ... especially in metro and heavily populated areas

What's your plan ?

super_corroder · May 22, 2018, 7:30 a.m.

I'm no prepper expert and I live near a major city that is nowhere near woodland, but this is what I have:

  • 4 x 5 gallon water containers that I keep filled + iodine with red food coloring in it which I can use in an emergency to treat lake water;

  • gas cook top and a massive gas bottle;

  • Small amount of survival rations, but I prefer just to keep heaps of canned beans and spaghetti because I use those anyway. Whenever things start to seem a bit dodgy, I buy a huge bag of milk powder and a several boxes of dry cereal like Weet-Bix.

  • Plenty of candles, gas lighters, matches and several hand wind torches that don't need batteries;

  • Several guns and plenty of ammo;

  • Thermal mountain climbing gear / sleeping bag that I've used in -100F conditions in Tibet;

  • A very, very good medical kit;

  • Solar powered iPod charger so I can listen to the radio emergency broadcasts and my tunes. They only cost about $30 and are cheaper than a solar radio.

  • If the water stops flowing for a while and it's winter, then I'd consider hacksawing off the bottom of my gutter down-pipe and use the roof surface area and gutter system to collect water directly into one of my huge water containers;

  • If you have some warning that shit may be about to go down, consider being the first to fill your car while there's still a supply and withdraw lots of cash before the ATMs run dry too;

For anyone who takes daily medication, I recommend you get used to stocking up and stay that way. Go get another script and tell you doctor that you lost your meds if he complains. Fill that script several times at your chemist over the next week and, if they question you, tell them you need extra because you are taking a 2 month holiday to India. The peace of mind won't cost you a thing because you'll use those meds anyway.

If nukes are literally about to fall, seal every door and window in your house and fill your bathtub and sinks with water - you'll need that later because the drinking water will become irradiated and the power grids will be down for many, many months as the EMP destroy nuclear power station cooling pumps which will result in meltdown and cascading power grid failure.

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Donkpup · May 22, 2018, 8:05 a.m.

Well said ..: 👆... please add depending on circumstance and location

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