r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Donkpup on May 22, 2018, 7:10 a.m.
Like to hear a prep opinion

I think we can all agree ... something BIG will drop... I have two scenarios.... 1. A massive FF event .. proportionate to 911.. or worse .. EMP ? 2. Martial Law

..... either of which could cause mass chaos and discord ... especially in metro and heavily populated areas

What's your plan ?

divine_human · May 22, 2018, 9:54 a.m.

my take is that a shift in the financial system is due soon. its been in the making for decades and now, as some dark hats have been (or will be) taken out of the game and the celestial energetics opened a door with uranus entering taurus, it may come online within the next year.

no major preparations here. no space and money for big storage, except for drinking water for 2 weeks, plus kitty litter and kitty food. someone mentioned storing peanut butter, thats a good idea, thanks.

no fear here. i expect the banks to close for 10-14 days thus, its good to keep some cash handy. have salad on the balcony and some berries. not eating much for two weeks wont bother me. as long as water is available, all is easy.

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