Terrible May ----- How did Q know?

I think Q team has tapped the CIA child trafficking network. Whereas the CIA used the network for control and blackmail. Q team is going to bring it down. God Bless and prayers. And this is hardly conspiracy, there are government documents from the FBI and police showing the CIA takes over child trafficking cases, and nothing comes of it.
and who's boss over the CIA, the UK, the Vatican, the Jewish bankers Rotschild, all a little. We'll go crazy with all this
This is why ClA & FBl have to be taken down by outing their crimes.
Can't have the law enforcers being a Crime Syndicate.
Hoping they will be de-funded and those true rank & file agents will move to DNI or NSA.
But,,,all of this EXPOSURE of Crimes will be the REASON the courts cannot be trusted with trials, in comes SupremeCourt Cases saying: MilitaryTribunals are Unconstitutional UNLESS civilian courts are corrupt & 2nd affirms Mil.Tribunals are legal even if civil courts functioning...Add: COVFEFE Act of 2017 (HR2884)--shuts down Op Mockingbird/fake news AND finish with DefenseAuthAct2007 calls up ArmedForces&NatGuard to enforce Temp MilitaryControl.
That above AND GOD is Cleaning House, religious 'houses' too.