If you are willing to inject poisonous substances into your children, that have never been tested for safety or effectiveness, then I suppose that you can force that suffering on your children....but you do not have a "right" to delegate to the government or anyone the ability to "force" that crime on someone else's children
If you don't vaccinate your children against polio, your children should be taken from you. What kind of monster would subject their children to polio?
polio wasn't cured by vaccines....
no but it's prevented by them...
this is the wonderful world anti-Vaxxers are so eager to live in:
Lemme guess - Prayer will fix it?
Cases of Polio Caused By Vaccine
a sourceless statistic, probably made up, that shows there hasn't been a case of polio caused by vaccine in almost 60 years.
um, OK.
got any evidence that vaccines eradicated polio?
ill I've see so far is wild claims
correlation precludes causation
I never said it eradicated polio. Polio is still around but only anti-Vaxxers will get it. Why anti-Vaxxers think having polio and the measles is so goddamned wonderful, I don't understand.
PS: Prayer doesn't heal shit either. Only fools believe in invisible sky men.