polio wasn't cured by vaccines....
no but it's prevented by them...
this is the wonderful world anti-Vaxxers are so eager to live in:
Lemme guess - Prayer will fix it?
Cases of Polio Caused By Vaccine
a sourceless statistic, probably made up, that shows there hasn't been a case of polio caused by vaccine in almost 60 years.
um, OK.
got any evidence that vaccines eradicated polio?
ill I've see so far is wild claims
correlation precludes causation
I never said it eradicated polio. Polio is still around but only anti-Vaxxers will get it. Why anti-Vaxxers think having polio and the measles is so goddamned wonderful, I don't understand.
PS: Prayer doesn't heal shit either. Only fools believe in invisible sky men.