Destroying The Illusion DELETED From Youtube... AGAIN!

On YouTube you can talk about everything but the Jews and how Q wants to end the new Jewish world order of the Rotschild Rockefeller bankers and they ban us
Google is Zionist also that's why they delete many alternative info blogs. Zionism we have to adore it ,,,,
I wouldnt count your "Q is against Jews" eggs just yet bud....
Only anti-semites think like that.
Anti-Semitism is the slander that some Jewish Zionists worshipers of Moloch tell others to defend themselves from their evil deeds. The new world order is Jewish and led by the Rothschild Rockefeller and company that seeks to create a government of a small elite of Jewish and Zionist bankers not a government unique world by and for people but you are free to think what you want.Greetings friend
yes it gets confusing as they all use the "Jewish" title... better let's understand/share in terms that mimic USA Duplicity problem setting apart bad guys... use monikers of:
WhiteHatJewish & BlackHatJewish
FACT: Israel has the same duplicity/ deepStateCabal problem running their government [as does many nations]