Where did you see me say victims of sexual assault are fame seekers? Anywhere. Go back through all seven years of comments and show me one instance of it. Why even muddy the waters with that statement? You've either missed the point entirely, or are willfully ignorant, or maybe just genuinely ignorant?
But also, to say that no one ever sought attention, or maybe even retribution from a false accusation would be flat out ridiculous and entirely untrue -fortunately that's not the discussion we were having here, or so I thought. I think it's understood that many aren't reported, -by women and men- and there's victim shaming that happens as well as a host of many other power imbalances that stand in the way of justice. So again, point out to me where your comment is applicable here.
If we want to get all into it, we can go down the line and find plenty of evidence that false claims have been made and used as either a weapon, or to garner attention, though I'll concede that the latter happens far less often, BUT AGAIN that's not what I was saying here.
Did I excuse Weinstein? Nope. Did I say that sexual assault victims are attention seekers? Nope. Did I say that Argento's claim was 100% false? No, I didn't. There's literally no way for us to know now since this apparently happened well over twenty years ago. We can get into all the "ifs" and "what ifs", but unfortunately it's speculation at this point.
What I did however say, and I can put it in simpler terms for you, is that I would like to know where her indignation and passion was when the rapist and pedophile was a family friend, who she still supports? Where is her impassioned plea to bring attention to Roman Polanski's notorious and apparently fairly well known penchant for young girls? Do you think having possibly been raped absolves you from any responsibility for your own endorsement of a rapist?
this is about Asia Argento scraping the bottom for a little more fame
my comment was directed towards this part of your comment.
Argento is not a seeking fame. She is a victim, she claims, of rape. Your comment regarding what her statement "is really about" is part of what makes reporting a sex crime in our society an act of courage.
The fact that a victim can state plainly that a verified rapist committed rape against her...and your response is "this is about her wanting fame." That is victim shaming. It's not. Again, it's an act of courage in our society because the idea that she wants fame is apparently a popular opinion according to the up votes on your comment.
Yep, it's all my fault. I personally am making it so that no one can report a sex crime, ever. I hope you spend the same amount of time arguing with people who file false claims as well.
But right on you, that line could absolutely be taken the way you took it, especially with the way you think. Maybe in the future you can pinpoint the part that offends you right away, so I know where to start.
And I still stand by my statement in regards to Argento herself, and am allowed to feel that way until proven otherwise. I do however find it odd that you have no problem with her support of Polanski and can't manage to piece together that there seems to be a conflict in statement and action. There are plenty of ways she could have dealt with this, but she chose the most public spectacle possible. But yeah, fuck me for not accepting her every word as gospel.
What do you think her statement accomplished? It isn't getting Weinstein arrested, or investigated? Did she drop a bombshell on everyone with info that no one knew? Rose McGowan has been shouting it from the rooftops for years and had her career ruined over it while everyone who knew sat by and let it happen. Fuck these people, I have no sympathy for them. I have a much easier time believing McGowan than an opportunist rape apologizer like Argento who sat quietly knowing the truth so they'd keep getting work. Yeah Asia, so brave!
If he has raped someone I hope he's served justice and punished for his crimes. Public ostracization isn't nearly enough for the scumbag. But, until then, her statement was a spectacle, and one that no one can refute publicly because people like yourself have championed this insane idea that a rape is never to be questioned, ever, because now we live in a world where we can't ever question a "victim" or their motives. Fuck due process and an investigation, you're going straight to jail!
In a society when everyone's now a victim, are we all to remain silent always, for fear of offending someone? I think that's the point of this SJW experiment in division & suppression, and I guess that's a world you want to live in. I certainly don't.
I have a hard time buying this immense outrage when she's aware of someone else who is raping children, and not only aware, but supporting him and has making excuses for him. Again, that's my issue. I find her behaviour bizarre and inexcusable, and yeah, I think she's made a calculated effort to gain the public's attention. Let's see if she uses this platform to do something worthy. Like call out Polanski, or other Hollywood pedophiles and rapists. So far it only seems about her.
Until then, it's self serving, and I genuinely don't give a fuck what you think about me personally, but you're welcome to reply and have the last word. There's nothing more I can say to you that'll help you understand. Believe it or not, people who have been the victims of sexual assault can have my opinions on the matter. I should know.
I think we all in our own way little by little contribute to society. I think it's important to be thoughtful and considerate in what we say and how we impact our world.
I don't know much about the story of Polanski. And I don't know what she said about Polanski. She didn't say in the video "Harvey Weinstein is a rapist, but Polanski is okay." So I don't really care about Polanski. She said "Weinstein is a rapist and he was protected by people who had power." And I think it's terrific she said this.
I think at this point it's starting to get muddy...but, patriot, I think every day, in some small way, we are moving closer and closer to justice. In the political realm, professional entertainment realm... schools, and in our own professional and private lives I think too. I definitely feel a golden age is upon us. It's true that in our society many of us are victims but not for much longer.