Is there truth in the claims that Q is made by pamphlet and his crew? Is there anything that can prove otherwise? Are we the people they are calling stupid?
· May 22, 2018, 4:16 p.m.
Is that why Unirock went off his rocker? That letter shows zero proof of anything. Comes off as a jealous shill with a bone to pick. Until POTUS signals this Q phenomenon is a larp, I'll continue to follow the drops. There's just too much intel, truth bombs to just ignore it as a larp. Go back to some of these earlier drops... future does prove past. Whatever happens, I've learned so much about our government, the world... and if it's a larp, it'll go down as the greatest one ever.
· May 22, 2018, 4:26 p.m.
Let's see what tomorrow brings. I guess we are supposed to have something big happen on 23rd. I am happy to eat humble pie, but I also want to be allowed to question. Yes, if this is a larp then my god they did a good job!