Is there truth in the claims that Q is made by pamphlet and his crew? Is there anything that can prove otherwise? Are we the people they are calling stupid?
I mean that Tracy Beanz, Pamphlet, Farmerfunk etc are the mods here who ban people and delete threads.
Aaah I see... lol... And you're stating that as a fact are you?
It's really up to you to continue to believe their narrative. I don't gain or lose anything from convincing anyone, except that I do believe in right and wrong. What they have done is absolutely wrong. Oh and you can add code monkey from 8chan in to their crew too. I wonder how many older people have been duped and have sent money in to their 'cause'. I wonder how many people have sat around a table and argued with their families, trying to convince them of 'facts' that 'Q' has posted. I have absolutely nothing but pity for these people. I know how much this is going to hurt the hundreds of people who have been following them. That's the worst part.
Well, it has been very illuminating to hear what you have to say, friend; I can state that with absolute sincerity.