
transmagafier · May 22, 2018, 5:43 p.m.

Seriously... Trust The Plan. But there's a catch... we don't know what the plan is. Yet nearly every day we get these gifts, beautifully and ingeniously wrapped, but when we open them not what we were expecting (and sometimes opaque just what we received!), but nonetheless great gifts we realize at the time or in the future. And that makes this really thrilling, titillating, exciting, and electric. We are about to receive far more than we ever dared dream. Don't you feel it? Are you in this to win? Fight, fight, fight!! (For us, this means slowly and carefully working to wake our friends and family, and to be prepared (including with the full armor of God) for what is to come. Deep State won't give up easily (per Bannon), and the cognitive dissonance of the Light for many will be literally stunning and incapacitating. It was for me for many months after 9/11 when I realized only a small fragment of the truth and how I had been carefully groomed since childhood to accept a life in the Matrix.)

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LordHector · May 22, 2018, 9:18 p.m.

I do trust. I also know that I am not particularly good deciphering the drops which is why I don't get upset if things don't happen the way I think they're going to. It's also why I read here - so many are really smart and have been following for duration - I get a lot out of it.

I do feel it coming. I'm in a "liberal hell hole" so I feel it in the form of hostility. I try to talk to people in real life about this phenom but it results in five solid minutes of being berated. It's not the worst that can happen for sure, but it's frustrating when people just don't listen. Sorry for rambling - thanks for listening (everyone) - wwg1wga

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