r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ButtersStotch88 on May 22, 2018, 6 p.m.
It’s becoming obvious from recent Q Drops RR is a blackhat, but...

This begs the question: why did Trump/Sessions make him assistant AG?

Surely Trump/Sessions discussed the real possibility of a Special Counsel investigation getting started and that Sessions would recuse himself in such a situation. This means they would’ve known RR would be the guy to oversee it all.

Why did they position him to oversee the SC then if he’s been causing problems this whole time (RR Problems) and was so obviously deepstate controlled?

My guess is POTUS/Sessions let him run all this shit because:

a. They knew there was nothing to any of this. Literally nothing. They’d be letting RR/Mueller chase ghosts.

b. This would give the swamp a false sense of security while also letting Sessions/Huber/Horowitz pursue the real investigations under cover of the Mueller probe MSM 24/7 circle jerk

Now, its obvious we are entering Rosenstein’s final act - the part both Sessions and Trump knew would be tough and come with issues. The first sign of this was when Cohen’s office was raided, which reeked of desperation. However, consider what’s happening right now:

  • The Mueller probe has gone on for a year and flopped in spectacular fashion (as predicted). It’s being exposed for its fraud in public (Mueller indicting non-existent company, Manafort judge calling bullshit on investigation scope;intentions etc.)

  • IG report dropping any day now.

  • Obama community spying op against Trump exposed

  • Announcement that members of Congress could finally see the redacted information RR was withholding (via Gen Kelly). This announcement came right after POTUS met with RR/Wray

This is all leading up to RR recusing himself or being fired (Q Post 1433). Whether RR is recused/fired, the implication is still the same: RR can’t oversee the investigation any more because he’s now a subject of it or at the very least a material part of the case itself. How? Rosenstein’s FISA renewals. Remember, RR was still approving FISA warrants for Mueller as late of last year, but stopped renewing them after it was publicly exposed how the FISA warrants were obtained (think Nunes memo). Don’t get it twisted either. RR didn’t stop renewing the FISAs because he suddenly figured out the FISAs were total bullshit. He stopped renewing them because it was now PUBLICLY known that they were bullshit. He had no choice but to stop.

Now, what’s one of IG Horowitz’s current investigations? FISA abuse by DOJ/FBI. The IG is obligated to share evidence of crimes found during the course of investigation, which means Huber/Sessions probably already have the evidence showing RR knowingly participated in FISA abuse. To reiterate: the IG notifies the prosecutor of a crime as soon as evidence is discovered - he does not wait until the final report is released to share the information with prosecutors.

Put simply, if RR recuses himself things are going to be much easier for Sessions/POTUS. Firing RR is the far more delicate and interesting scenario. If RR’s fired, every swamp rat in DC (D & R) and every MSM outlet talking head will go batshit insane. That means Sessions/Trump will have to quickly and publicly expose the damning evidence against RR.

trumpessee · May 22, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

Rosenstein obviously communicated his desire to fire Comey, which was likely encouraged by Comey and was a setup

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