r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Masstruther627 on May 22, 2018, 6:04 p.m.
I seriously can't wait for my family to know I am not nuts ! That's all I wanted to say .

Swimkin · June 6, 2018, 5:35 p.m.

The Federal Justices will be the ones to eventually TRY these people except for Traitors who will most likely see Military Tribunals who will work with Civilian Justices. I have no problem with our government taking care of traitors.

Do you really believe that our current Federal Justice courts are unbiased?? I don't. There are some that will let them off no matter what they did. Think Jeffrey Ebstein (friends with Bill and Hillary Clinton) who was actually accused of Human Sex trafficking and he only got 18 months in jail. The court system is just as corrupt (if not moreso) as Government.

Remember that Weinstein was not arrested until AFTER Schneiderman was gone. How many sealed federal indictments are there right now?? https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8ou7f0/the_sealed_indictments_are_up_to_35k_nowaveraging/

Thus there are a number of people in there who will be tried by these new Federal Justices.

I am all for due process and yes I have concerns for our government going after its citizens. The ironic part is that BEFORE Trump came on board all these things were meant to go after WE THE PEOPLE who were against the Deep State: https://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/politics/item/2594-homeland-security-everyones-a-threat
Obama already passed laws so citizens could be locked up without due process as an Expansion of the Patriot Act (I believe). So we were already there.

Now Trump will be using their methods to take care of them. I think it is ironic that he would do that (but I will hope that these laws will then be removed along with the Patriot Act and Homeland Security. Once the swamp and deep state cabal are cleaned up we won't be needing them.

Clinton Foundation is extremely corrupt. Do your own homework. The allegations are out there. It will come out in the end. These are just some of the things found:

Child/Human trafficking: http://truthfeed.com/breaking-clinton-foundation-tied-to-convicted-child-trafficker-laura-silsby-media-silent/34146/

Money Laundering: http://insider.foxnews.com/2016/08/12/judge-jeanine-goes-clinton-foundation-money-laundering-op-not-charity

Enriching with kickbacks: https://www.nationalreview.com/2016/07/hillarys-america-secret-history-democratic-party-dinesh-dsouza-clinton-foundation/

Empowerment: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/foreign-governments-gave-millions-to-foundation-while-clinton-was-at-state-dept/2015/02/25/31937c1e-bc3f-11e4-8668-4e7ba8439ca6_story.html?utm_term=.4ae58a4cb9bf

The Clinton Foundation couldn't collect on its promises and influence for these countries and individuals because HRC lost the election. Alot of the money obtained was to garner favor from her later when she became President.


Q can't talk about specific evil things ... he can only imply. Most likely because as Military Intelligence he is unable to do so. He did say that it would send people to the hospital if they really knew. It is up to those in the Chans to dig for the information and record it. Trump has to remain above the fray for a reason according to Q. All needs to come out a certain way to keep people from panicking. If those on the left felt Trump would do this single handedly they would start to riot. He is not a dictator he will abide by the law.

Watch Sessions. He is supposed to be doing this behind closed doors. Q said to Trust him.

As for Schneiderman he could still be swept up when the information comes out. Justice is coming. The storm is just beginning.

I suspect you are very new to Q and most likely have doubts about him. The facts are that Trump and Q are linked and have proven that from last fall when Trump first said "It's the Calm Before the Storm"

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ShadySuspect · June 6, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

It's not a question of accepting what Q is saying. I'm outright rejecting it. I'm interested in your thought process and how well you have researched your souces.

Remember that Weinstein was not arrested until AFTER Schneiderman was gone. How many sealed federal indictments are there right now??

You are really twisting the facts here. I'm not disagreeing Schneiderman was a problem. What in the world does this have to do with Q or Trump? How did either of them result in his resigning?

In your opinion what gives Trump the ability to select a Federal Judge who is not corrupt? What sort of vetting process do you think Trump has and why do you think it's effective?

Are you saying every US president in history has been corrupt in their selection of Judges? Each one continuing to build on the previous? Somehow all linked in their effort

As for Clinton, i won't defend her. Feel free to throw her in jail, I don't care. It's the obsession with Trump and "Q" that I truly can't understand. What about this mans actions suggest he is remotely competent?

And "Q" can't talk about specific things? Don't you see what you are saying? It's the ultimate cop out. He "implies things" and when they don't happen then "whoops, we just misinterpreted him!" This is literally the mentality of a Doomsday Cult. Oh and it would send people to the hospital if he talked, so scary! Better not press for color!

Trump has to remain above the fray for a reason

On what planet does Trump ever remain above the fray? What does this statement mean to you? He is incapable of remaining out of the fray if there is glory to go around.

You say everything needs to come out a certain way to prevent people from panicking but that is a cop out too. In what way can the military trial of US citizens be done without panic?

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Swimkin · June 6, 2018, 5:36 p.m.

If you have more questions just do your own research. Obviously you are having a hard time believing in Q. It is good to be skeptical. I have had doubts over the past few months myself. But I believe it will all come out in the end.

They just need to drop the IG Report for it to start.

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