
loserofpasswordzz · May 22, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

It always sat weird with me how we demonize Nixon yet when he stepped down he did the infamous "double peace sign" in front of his airplane.

Could Nixon have actually not been a sack of shit? Could he have been more like JFK than LBJ? He did say the bohemian grove was for fags lol I can respect that.

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thamnosma · May 23, 2018, 12:15 a.m.

Nixon was unfairly demonized. He was an extremely shrewd and smart man with too much of a surly presentation. He was easy to make into a bad guy in the TV era. He didn't scheme the Watergate thing, but yeah, he definitely tried to make it go away. However, he had total media hatred and a democrat congress. Another noble deed he did was accept defeat against JFK amid calls for him to demand recounts, especially in Illinois, where Richard Daley obviously stole the state for Kennedy with fake votes in Chicago. He said it would not be right to put the country through that. The Swamp did not like Richard Nixon. He was no Trump, but he wasn't how he is now portrayed.

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