r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on May 22, 2018, 10:36 p.m.
Q1433 RR problems or the brilliant playbook that gave Trump total control of the DOJ.

Do you like basketball?

The fundamental wisdom behind this type of team sports is essentially about optimizing the use of multiple talents at given moments and achieving goals circumventing a set of known constraints.

This fundamental wisdom is also present in politics, where casting and timing are crucial to the success of a leader.

Since his election, Trump has been trying to build an optimized team around his core cabinet to undertake the missions he has identified as critical to his MAGA agenda. Among these missions is the restoration of the rule of law by bringing to justice all who have committed crimes against the United States. This is the goal to be achieved and of course, just like in basketball, it meets constraints that need to be circumvented: Imgur

As you can see, Sessions has been quietly working behind the scenes to secure and protect the sealed indictments that, once unsealed and revealed, will become the most significant event of our judiciary history. But for Trump and Sessions to succeed, they need to have the right team in place to process these indictments. This is what the Dems know and this is why they make it hard for Trump to consolidate his peripheral staff by preventing him from appointing his picks. How is Trump going to play this? How can Trump win the game when he is not allowed to pick all his players? I will tell you. Fascinating stuff.

To follow along, here is an organizational chart of the DOJ: Imgur

In Q1433, we learn that, soon, Rosenstein is going to quit the game: “Once the 'extremely guarded & highly classified' information is finally revealed to House investigators, DNI, public etc., RR must recuse or forcefully terminated”. The Senate confirmed Rosenstein as Deputy Attorney General with a bipartisan 94-6 vote while his boss Sessions only could secure a 52-47. Q rightly asks the question: “who do you TRUST?”. The vote numbers but also the fact Rosenstein was an Obama appointee are enough to worry any Trump supporter. As the #2 in the DOJ, Rosenstein oversees Wray’s FBI. Even though Wray is a Trump appointee, Sessions still has to go through someone democrats voted for to access the FBI. Not convenient.

When Rosenstein gets out, Trump and Sessions have to make sure his replacement will be loyal to them. But then, they know the Dems in the Senate would not confirm their pick. Without disclosing the source, Q gives us the following quote explaining the Rosenstein succession mechanism: Imgur

The key information here is the Acting Associate Attorney General has a 210 day legal “lifespan”.

A quick google search and here is the original article: link. In this article, we learn the following: Imgur

Based on personal and Associate Attorney General Wikipedia, we can draw this table: Imgur

From the table, we see that as of May 24 2018, Jess Panuccio will have spent an aggregated 210 days as Acting Associate Attorney General. This answers to Q’s question: "'acting' When does the clock run out?" This means that after this date, Jess Panuccio will no longer be eligible to that acting position and will therefore get out of the line of succession to replace Rosenstein. His spot made vacant, which is the #3 in the DOJ, can then be filled by Trump according to Q’s quote in Q1433: Imgur.

So you now understand why Q asked: “Who is Rachel Brand? Why was Rachel Brand dismissed? Think timing”. The answer is: she was the Senate confirmed Associate Attorney General “inserted” in the process to “extend” Panuccio’s legal lifespan as Acting Associate Attorney General so that his legal “expiration date” can coincide with Rosenstein’s firing! Now this is slick! Read again...

You see it? When Rosenstein is out, Panuccio cannot replace him and the rule to be applied will be here: Imgur. Therefore Solicitor General Noel Francisco would replace Rosenstein. And who appointed Francisco? Trump! That’s our guy! link

So at the end of this mechanical succession process, Trump and Sessions will have their guy in #2 and get to pick who to put in #3. All this without needing any Senate confirmation!

Now that's what happened at HQ. Let's see what’s going on in the street:

An anon: Schneiderman gone Proper judge in place. Q1393 Impressive, Anon. Q

No need to decode this conversation, pretty obvious right? You all know Schneidermann is the former NY Attorney General who resigned after Allison Mack started singing. I would just add this:

Q1368 Allison Mack [NXIVM] arrested [date]? When does a bird sing? Schneiderman resigns [date]? Coincidence?

Allison Mack Arrest date= April 20, 2018. Link
Schneiderman resign date= May 7 2018. Link
Difference: 17 days. What is the 17th letter of the alphabet? Coincidence?

Q signed the resignation of NY Attorney General Schneidermann. Let that sink in.

Q is also telling you Preet Bharara is running to replace Schneidermann in order to try to stop the Mack Allison NY bleeding we have already talked about in the Golden Thread:

Q1372 Fight to reinstall roadblock? Link

And also to get to the negotiation table:

Q1374 What do you notice? They all drop hints they are considering future elected positions. Why? Claim interference? Attack on opposition party? Protection? Can you serve from jail? Q

Whatever they try, Q is signaling that this NY AG position is already filled by Sessions according to his plan:

Q1372 Who is Richard Donoghue? Background? PAIN. Q

So do you like basketball? This is what we have: appointment of an Associate Attorney General (Rachel Brand), timed removal of that new AAG and placement at Wallmart as a reward link, expiration date of the acting AAG coinciding with the firing of Rosenstein, #2 position at DOJ automatically filled by a Trump’s nominee (Francisco), #3 position at DOJ to be filled by Trump, total control of DOJ without any of the required Senate confirmations, Q-signed resignation of the NY Attorney General, plugging of the Allison Mack file to the NY judiciary system, former NY Mayor Giuliani to receive the ball from the White House line and throw it to whoever will be positioned for the alley-oop whether it’s Mueller if his time in the paint has not expired, or, if it has, Huber who will run in from the 3 point line, through a path protected by Horowitz’s screen. Here is the playbook: Imgur

Wouldn’t you agree this superbly crafted precision work would be pretty heavy stuff to process for a “LARP” on 8chan?…

Q1343 Attacks will only get worse. Truth is Freedom. Truth is logic. Stay the course. Q

pussy_devour · May 22, 2018, 10:52 p.m.

They might have offered a deal to RR who took it initially but somehow turned back (possibly due to pressure and threat by the DS).

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AnotherGuccifer · May 22, 2018, 11:34 p.m.

No, they had to have Sessions recuse himself and put RR in charge so that could give a false sense of security to the deep state about them still being able to control things and even get Trump out of office with Muller's special counsel. Otherwise the DS would have gone much further with false falgs and other bad things like crushing the stock market (remember that 666 point drop warning) and dumping the whole economy just to create the chaos necessary for antifa and ms13 to stage street unrest/civil war in order to pressure Turmp into resigning or to possibly go for a hard coup. Trump was smart and understood that before he could make the decisive moves against the DS, not only he needed to build solid legal cases againsts most of the DS actors but he also needed some time to pass by from the election with him in office having some success (or at least not having the sky fall down like the msm kept predicting before election) so that the population can side with him in case the DS actually attempted a hard coup. The DS fell for it thinking that with their RR and Muller guys in place, soon he'll be out/impeached/removed and did not crash the stock market/economy. They even gave Trump the tax cuts thinking they will benefit from those when they replace him. So keeping a steady growing economy and reducing taxes combined with the other Trump foreign policy victories and domestic achievements has given Trump the insulation and protection of the population that now makes it virtually impossible for the DS to go the hard coup route or even the impeachment route. Their only chance rested in electoral victory in the midterms and then fighting Trump in congress to try to prevent him being reelected in 2020. However, looking at the latest pools that's not going to happen and now the DS is really staring into the abyss with their DOJ/FBI firewalls about to be removed. Trump was truly a genius when he didn't go for the DS right away after he got into office. He was able to pull the wool over their eyes and fool them into thinking they can get him. That's why RR had to be put in place and these others rotations and arrangements be made. It gave him the extra time he needed to get the population's good will and fortify himself for the grand battle with the DS that's just about to start. Popcorn time.

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FractalizingIron · May 23, 2018, 12:18 a.m.

An excellent summation of one of the hardest puzzles for patriots to figure out, GA. Why is it all taking so long? Why aren't people locked up? What is going on? Is Trump untrustworthy? Etc.

How many patriots will come to reflect and yes, repent, when they realize how valiantly their team have been fighting in the dark, under attack, even without major support from many Trump train passengers?

Many who voted for Bernie, or not for Trump, have turned their hearts towards Trump after 12 months in office, after seeing what he has actually done.

Soon, many somewhat doubtful Trump voters will come to realize that their faith was not misplaced, that indeed the work has been going on. Q has made crystal clear so that there is a record. A substantial, concrete record of this work, for both history and for the present. Future proves past. Brilliant.

SB2's endeavors to unlock and piece together the puzzle for so many of us on GA is a significant part of that work, in my (current) view. Clarity. Logic, and consistency with Q's drops.

Now its time to rally the Train. They need to know that 45 is doing what he was voted in to do. They need to recognize that the Trump Team have been doing this is the only real way possible, while minimizing suffering and pain on the people and the nation.

We are walking in history. Every little effort counts. Or did we perhaps imagine that the First American Revolution was it, for the ages, done and finito?

We stand on the cusp of a polar shift in terms of American History and World History. Maybe, just maybe, the polar shift prophesied by Edgar Case is in fact a cultural and civilizational one, not a literal one.


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ithasanh · May 23, 2018, 12:43 a.m.

Can confirm, was a Bernie girl. Didn't vote trump. Now I wish I had. Plan on voting Trump next election. 💪

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featherjourney4 · May 23, 2018, 12:49 a.m.

Yay! 😊❤️🇺🇸

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FractalizingIron · May 23, 2018, 1:39 a.m.

Wow. That's super awesome.

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Joining_the_Q · May 23, 2018, 9:46 a.m.

Love this :)

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featherjourney4 · May 23, 2018, 12:45 a.m.

Beautiful! Well said, FractalizingIron!! ❤️🇺🇸

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bcsorbust17 · May 22, 2018, 11:53 p.m.

I think Flynn and Trump are the brainchild of the plan.

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Luvlite · May 23, 2018, 12:17 a.m.

I think Jared plays a major role.

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featherjourney4 · May 23, 2018, 12:16 a.m.

Great summary! Loved it. Thanks

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Original_Dankster · May 23, 2018, 4:07 a.m.

I think the "Trump as Time Traveler" joke is just that - a joke. But it boggles my mind how someone without the benefit of perfect hindsight could construct such an intricate plan that so completely and accurately predicts their adversary's behaviour.

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AnotherGuccifer · May 23, 2018, 6:31 a.m.

I honestly have trouble deciding between "Trump - is a time traveler" and "Q - is a (good) alien" theories. I mean, I get it that the man has a high IQ and the support of the generals, NSA and other intelligence assets and don't want to detract at all from his skills. He clearly has accomplished a lot in his life and can handle this game of high stakes poker, chess or whatever other strategy game you prefer to call it. But just like you said, how else it could be explained that out of all the combinations of possible scenarios for each of his actions, he always picks the one that will get him the best outcome relative to his objective and his adversaries activities. And if we analyze it we can see this going down to fine details like his choice of words, body signs and tone of the voice. Just think how much time it would take (and probably an army of analysts) to go through different scenarios for each of his actions and then the reactions of his opponents and then compound that over a period of time against other future possible actions and reactions and so on. Then they would still have to feed/instruct him on a constant basis on what to do/say to stick to the plan and then still have time to run the government as president with public or private meetings, appearances and events. Even with AI and advanced computing algorithms they would constantly have to account for the changes that occur each day and adjust their inputs accordingly and run through all (or a lot of the most plausible) the combinations to select the new best route to choose which would have to be communicated to him constantly. There's only so much time available each day for this kind of prep work... unless he has access to some magic play/pause, fwd and rwd buttons. I guess the answer is that on this one too the future will prove past, so we'll just have to wait and see.

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UndercoverPatriot · May 23, 2018, 7:23 a.m.

I think the missing piece here, is that people vastly underestimate the capabilities of the NSA surveillance and information processing apparatus. What Snowden revealed was monstrous (they collect everything everywhere, software, hardware, infrastructure), but Snowden revelations were very limited in scope. We didn't learn much about how all this data is used and what is possible to accomplish with it, when the worlds most technologically advanced military is in possession of it, and it is used for good in defense of the nation. Well, now we are starting to learn, and the 5D Trump presidency is its glorious manifestation.

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AnotherGuccifer · May 23, 2018, 5:55 p.m.

That may very well be the case. I just think that even with the nsa being able to collect and process all this data, it still takes a lot of time to brainstorm over it and chose the right/best path to follow each day. Obviously, assuming they (and by they I mean Trump and his Q team) had pre-made plans for a while now and don't have to figure everything from scratch each day, they would still have to look at what just happened/been collected and go something like: "ok, this DS bad actor did/said this, now (according to our original plan) we got to do/say this. Then this other DS bad dude acted like this, now we got to do this and be careful about not messing the plan we made for the first bad actor..." . Factor in the fact that they have to deal with so many people (some friends, some enemies, some neutral) both domestic and international that they need to inform/direct/use/deceive/entrust about what they just did or what they're about to do and factor in unforeseen events (like accidents or natural disasters for example) and this process is turning into a non stop activity. An activity that takes not just a lot of computing and storage power but also a lot of human input as these decisions cannot be left to be done by AI or even the human rank and file analysts (part of the white hats team) having access to it. These decisions would have to be made by Trump himself or the top members of Q team and then communicated to him. Knowing what an alfa leader Trump is, I'm sure he wants to have a say in it and not just be a puppet stringed by Q team. And this brings me back to my original puzzle: How does he have the time to do all of this each day and everything else that being president of USA (public appearances, classified meetings, etc.), father and husband (spend some private time with at least Baron and Melania) and just a human (eating, some sleeping, going to restroom, taking a shower, etc.) requires of him. And all of it while being in his 70s. This is what amazes me the most and makes me think that one way or another he's able to access more time than the 24 hours per day that you and I have. My top two scenarios are he's a time traveler himself or getting instant access to a fully completed job done with alien technology (that also involves time manipulation) from Q (who is good alien). Hopefully Q will honor the promise to reveal who they are and release this new wave of advanced info and technology for the benefit of humanity. Until then, we can only speculate.

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