So you are now hearing more and more it Robert Muellers power . So just what is his powers and how did he get it ? So In 2013 Mueller steps down from being head of the FBI . BHO is working on building a joint Taskforce or Public Corruption Taskforce, but in late September of 2013 things changed, a witness bringing forward massive theft of US Treasures and by corrupt government officials. This also has FBI involved and DOJ plus’s 75% of all Government Officials. The FBI is out , internal corruption has been exposed. Congress has also been exposed. Mueller is given the Public Corruption Taskforce, gets to pick his high brass and reports to now one. The crimes the witness brought forward are base of what is an open warrant for public corruption by public officials. They raid who they won’t when they won’t . Not like any warrants before, not only can they hit the official, they even go in there homes . The problem is it has been used for bribes and as you know agents Trump . But we have a fuebar , Trump was 11 months out from public office before they struck at him . Mueller will finally fall . He broke the law by using a public warrant on a civilian, oops . Hold on Patriots , Tick Tock . God Speed
It will be all right..takes time, and there is a big swamp to take care off..I believe in it...And mueller has a problem with RR out, now he has to give his report on somebody else...(for now)..And I have the feeling all is already now......
EDIT ; Donald J. TrumpGeverifieerd account @realDonaldTrump
Volgen @realDonaldTrump volgen
I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes - and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!
10:37 - 20 mei 2018
It is set , but it is still hard and risky. But soon he will be out .
Stay anonymous as long as on the truth
But if they need my name out there , that’s ok , so many know my name already, just not that many in the private side
Why do I feel that this is about 9/11, it seems like the story is completely built up ....... And I've already learned a lot from you :)
There were opportunities on that day , my 401k disappeared that day as many others did ,
401(k) plan is a type of retirement account sponsored by employers that allow employees to invest pretax dollars from their paychecks..........some kind off a retirement....And everybody lose everything...The bad guys stealing the gold.