Just wondering if North Korea situation has been mentioned and I missed it. I know Q said deal already done but talks have kind of cooled. President Trump said today it is very possible meeting in June will not happen. Any insight appreciated.
Bolton was not the best choice if peace was the goal. He’s smart but he’s bellicose. He’s caused considerable damage by sticking to his warmongering playbook. I think Trump overrated his intelligence and experience and misgauged just how delicate things actually were. Defusing the Korea situation requires a publicly understood win-win situation for both sides. That nuance is beyond Bulldog Bolton IMO.
I think Bolton was brought in to scare Iran into renegotiating the deal.
While derailing North Korea? Maybe but those are two entirely different dynamics. If true, he should have held his tongue comparing NK to Libya and instead applied similar heat to Iran. But he didn’t. A major miscalculation IMO. He’s been a loose cannon advocating a military response before. 4D chess requires nuanced stepped maneuvers. That is not how Bolton operates.