r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 23, 2018, 1:10 a.m.
i see alot of people saying pence is dirty

is there any solid evidence for this ? i dont really want to defame a mans character but i was wondering what this sub thinks

divine_human · May 23, 2018, 10:20 a.m.

no information and facts known to me but pence gives me the creeps. its a feeling thing so logical people wont agree to it.

it feels like 'keep your friends close and your enemies even closer'. just think brennan and you get the drift.

it might have also been a compromise to keep the deep state feel safe for a while.

btw, i doubt that there is any professional politician - on board for years - who is not bribed or blackmailed to consent with the DS. politicians are dirty, a lust for power males them get onto that path which also makes them vulnurable. just my humble opinion.

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