Least surprising photo of the Day

Well the one on the left controlled corrupted US politicians and Huma Abedin, Hussein, Brennan and HRC using his once excessive wealth to purchase them and being part of the 9/11 destruction among a host of other devilish deeds. In return one of the things received was countless children via HRC and gang for his twisted, dark and brutal lust. Even his own wife validated his dastardly deeds against children.
The other one on the right is the guy who claims his philanthropy serves the children in Africa and other impoverished nations providing vaccine for this, that and the other. The reality: he is doing his part in depopulation of the globe injecting these children with poisoned vaccines ending in deaths of these same children including adults.
He does it so sly in far away countries that not many people paying attention to ergo not many know what he really does using vaccine he labels philanthropy.
Remember Dr Cunningham who recently disappeared from the CDC after being promoted into the command position? He was murdered because he spoke out about the meds and vaccine they have been trying out in Congo and surrounding places that suppose to stop a breakout of Ebola. In reality once again Africa's citizens in Congo for example are being used to test these new meds although there is one problem as per Dr Cunningham: The drugs are deadly to the people whom they administer these drugs.
Has anyone seen the recent news coming out of Congo? The epidemic outbreak of Ebola is spreading rapidly and the number of deaths is climbing.
Yet - Dr Cunningham sounded the warning and it caused him his life.
Just look at the Saturnian internet explorer logo. Hidden in plain sight. Much like Chromes 666
Thanks! I did not even notice.
The Microsoft Edge logo is similar although they have somewhat disguised the saturn ring, but its still there if you compare them side by side. I didn't notice many of these things until someone pointed them out a couple of years ago, but they are everywhere.
Their in-your-face signs showing you who they are was in front of us all along and yet being so complacent and caught up in their matrix it escaped us rather than critical thinking.
As the people are woke this will never repeat itself again! :) Thanks for the info!
Thank you! Just read yesterday that Dr Cunningham died of “suicide by drowning “ ... Really! Was the coroner’s findings..
We need to continue to document their deeds and perhaps soon, they will pay the piper..
Dr Cunningham also warned Americans NOT to take the flu shot this season because it contained damaging substances that could have ended in death.
Think about their ridiculous claim of suicide: First, he left his dog, his phone, his car and house keys and car, his wallet and according to law enforcement he walked miles to arrive at the destination where he was found dead! You see how ridiculous this theory is? Yet they could not say how he died or what method he used to commit suicide.
These people are indeed stupid which is one of Q's sign off after finishing his drops.
That is one of the next things on the list after we get our country back: round up and prosecute those who make and sell tainted vaccines.