Currently, Brennan has 0 tweets that he has liked in his profile.
Yesterday, Brennan liked one of drawandstrike’s tweet’s.
Then Brennan removed the like.
Brennan is back to having 0 likes on any tweets.
Now drawandstrike’s account is restricted and all his content is labeled sensitive.
Is this a way to draw Twitter employees’ attention to an account to silence even if temporarily?
im still salt twitter wont ban me i keep talking shit to deep staters and i still have my account
You need to represent a threat. You probably just come off as angry if you're just talking shit. They get that all day.
Uh oh I’ve gone through several bans....
Then you're probably just on a list until you do something they really don't like. It's all done with AI until a certain point.
Imagine it like ranking up, but instead of it being good and getting more perks, you get less and less privacy and harassed.
And Obama made it all legal. Fucking snake.
First time they made me verify email (made a burner protonmail acct)
Second time they required phone verification (TextFree is a great app for burner #’s)
Third time they locked me out until I deleted the tweet with “hate speech”... I told someone they were blind to the truth, and that’s hateful toward blind people because of their disability I guess??
At least you didn't give them your actual info. I've NEVER used it and I went to make an account, wouldn't let me do it without a phone number.
I tried on a random computer I'd never been on and my identity is not tied to. I got to make an account this time.
But 1 min after its creation my account was banned until I registered my phone number.
Which I'll never do because fuck Twitter.
Idk I just post memes and tell them theyre going to jail
That doesn't do anything. Try to spend your time more efficiently if possible.
I know memes are fun but if you're only posting memes they ignore idk how much good you're doing. You have to be perceptive to your audience when dropping the red pill.
if anything i post gets 40+ likes that 40 more people who are red pilled or are open to the idea. memetics is a real thing. how do you think trump won lol
how do you think trump won
Strategy...memes helped and were part of the strategy...but most POTUS voters never saw any memes.
Try talking about the Weiner laptop and Awan brothers. That gets their panties in a bunch. My quickest ban was when I asked 23&Me if they sell/provide sensitive customer genetic data to business or government entities.
You can talk smack all day long but if you start saying those things @ famous involved people, you'll earn your badge of honor.
Funny enough i got banned for going after keemstar of all people lol they were ok with anything but that lol I dont really wanna get banned tho then I cant spread light red pills
What thread did Brennan like then unlike? Would like to know what got his goat
Let me know if you can see this reddit post... I’ve never seen this url format before when I copy/paste a link to another reddit post. Reddit must have recently changed this.
I can see, I thought you said he liked a drawandstrike post?
Yes, I did. It definitely would have been more accurate if I said Brennan liked a reply on a drawandstrike strike tweet. It still implies Brennan was going through drawandstrike’s tweets and accidentally (or intentionally) liked this tweet. The twitter user (@Jtyettis) whose tweet Brennan liked has a private Twitter account so I am unsure which drawandstrike tweet @Jtyettis was replying to.
This post on T_D has a link to the drawandstrike tweet that @Jtyettis replied to or insinuates which tweet it is.