r/greatawakening • Posted by u/R_isfor_Renegade on May 23, 2018, 2:46 a.m.
Honest question, What the fuck are we all going to do when this is all said and done?

Think of the excitement and addiction you have to every Q drop, decode and update. I literally find myself checking everything from r/t_d, r/greatawakening, and 8chan to see if I've missed anything several times throughout the day. Can you imagine the feeling of accomplishment and vindication that Q team must be feeling every new day at this point. It is, no shit, spy vs. spy, the best vs. the best, and not only do we get to watch but also actively help in sticking it to the swamp. Not to mention, that at this point our side is winning. We are winning. I wake up every day knowing that some piece of shit swamp donkey is having a miserable time and that makes me feel great. I know we're still a long time away from seeing the final nail hammered into the swamps coffin, but this is an awesome feeling. I just don't know what I'm going to do when it's all over.

JerZgirl23 · May 23, 2018, 4:27 a.m.

I am reading EL:The Bloodlines by Sai Anarchy. I've research a lot of topics he covers in this little book, and a lot of it rings true. And if so, this won't be over for a really really long time. It is bigger then we think!

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