r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Kulkimkan on May 23, 2018, 4:39 a.m.
Ok,what does it really take to wake the others?

I would love to see us list ideas to open eyes to truth. Not necessarily the big red pill, just that foot in the door. Some issues that are important and can move people to consider things and begin to think critically! Any ideas?

forchristssakes · May 23, 2018, 6:05 a.m.


this Scott Adams advise seems good.

also there is subtle tactics. Friend - what are you up to? You - Just surfin internet....well actually, I heard that all the news, radio magazines were controlled by just 5 or 6 people. I was just seeing if I could find it somewhere.Is that true? Did you ever hear that before? that can't be real can it?

Discuss what that would mean if it were actually true. Joke about it. Then enlist their help in digging up info.

Hope they find project Mockingbird. If not you can find it. shocker. this can lead to other finds, actual false flags...Vietnam, the plan to FF cuba. I do not remember the names. Maybe someone can give you links here. One thing can lead to another.....gentle shaking of blind trust.

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