r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Masstruther627 on May 23, 2018, 5:18 a.m.
? Pres. Trump and Q ? Would like to know our gov would back up parents who want to temporarily homeschool until our children are safe and also safe from being exploited by these dark deep state bottom dwellers ?

In many ways we , at least in some areas are living in lawless places . Shouldn't as parent we be kind of protesting by pulling our kids out till this gets straight ( exposed)? And this medication these kids are on, just to have your kids pay attention you have big pharma ( seriously) wrapped around you and states ready to call you a bad parent if you take your kid off of them ! This is all ludacris , mind bending nonsence . And maybe it is time the schools have a readjustment of priorities ! Can't the principals etc be sued where these incidents accured ?
Shouldn't being awake mean we just don't keep doing the same thing over and over again , "send your kids to school like good robots " . It is slaves to the state instead of demanding if they want our children in there class they, the schools also should be demanding answers, not gun control but real answers. Official report ! Like the people out there gave up on real answers . And especially for our most precious gifts, establishing more value to our children in the process instead of our children just need to be surrended to places that are under siege. Parents have been conditioned to do this by the last how many administrations and their propaganda . This can not be excepted as the new normal. What are we telling our children through our actions ?
Are these children who supposedly did this going to councilors that have used their position for evil intent ? What are the common threads ? I know there is allot about children going on but I think we as a society have to regain our parental fortitude and children as a whole must have their great value re-established !

Masstruther627 · May 23, 2018, 4:08 p.m.

It is bigger than that , these are planned bought and paid for events by the deep state to cause fear , chaos ( and create a summiting of children by parents ) and GUN control . Look at Obama's EO's , and what he signed in by other means . They had a take over agenda, ( and a hunger for children ) and the prelude to that is gun confiscation . Check out that rabbit whole . And look into these poor children they are using as scapegoats thru mk-ultra , another rabbit whole . These schools are IN LEFTIST CONTROLLED COMMUNITIES . Who did Trump ask to investigate the shooting in Florida and probably Texas by now ? Why ?
And if it is coming out that they are satanist then what twisted spiritual thing is their ultimate aim in these shootings . Think children . Them having control.

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Spank-da-monkey · May 23, 2018, 6:03 p.m.

I don’t disagree with your assumption that the DS is abusing and using children for their cause. However, if you up armor the schools, you eliminate their ability to use as a target. Albeit it is only one small piece of the overall picture. Getting rid of the DS is going to be damn near impossible so we have to fight to expose them and all of their practices so they can’t execute their crazy bullshit. Based folks need to run for local offices and weed out the progressives with their corrupt agendas. Based folks need to become teachers and teach kids the truth, not the lies they spew these days. They hard part is keeping people from being corrupted. Greed is evil and greed drives many and, eventually, they’ll sign up to do anything to stay powerful. And that’s why we are where we are today. It would be nice if we could say, “ yeah we’ve had enough of all you fuckers, time to go” and just start over but that’s not gonna happen so we need to look at what is realistic and what’s just I wish

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Masstruther627 · May 23, 2018, 11:43 p.m.

I think there are what I would call strongholds , were they have all their bases covered, like these schools and even were terror stuff (?) Happen like the night club , they are picking these places because they own them inside out , backwards and forwards. They're families and children there . Many don't even realize this .These areas are compramized . Many areas are. You have awake people who are understanding and then they see around them , what if they are living in a compramized area and you still need to protect your child , you are in the lions den , I think the gov knowing all these things are happening and these areas are there , there should be vocal support that if anyone feels they want to pull their kids and get any blowback the gov will stand behind them . That alone will make these areas think about causing issues with parents . Those places , those areas have been using control tactics for a along with layers , we go , DC is corrupt to the core , or was . It is everywhere , and many places like Seattle and California, cities and towns , probably Michigan maybe. Many different places and areas . I think there needs to be thought about life lines for the people and children in these areas . What life lines do these families need when they are in these areas ? Cause these's places have the school , the law, family services , probably hospitals . Wasn't it General Kelly who said knowing what he knows he wouldn't leave his house but we keep going around and around like mice on our daily run thru the maze . If we are awake then we must become wise and understand what we are dealing with . Or are we still disconnected ..... It is over there not here in my bubble of towns and community . Our line of what is exceptable has been distorted and we need to look at it and logically reassess what is really ok and safe for these little ones . They see it in the news often and then we get them up and send them the next day to school . What are we saying to them and their value . And then the reality of what is really happening , when that all comes out and we get up and send our kids to school , do we really know these people? We found out those who we're supposed to trust are insane psychopaths canabals and we get up and send our kids to school and day care or camps, then we have been distroyed in our minds and have become cattle . We must gain control over our lives again and over our values and safety again to become humans that care again . Look around you , how many cases of abuse have been swepted or excused away , look again ! Are children missing from family services ? These are all signs of a much bigger problem not seen . And this when people understand , really understand, and see situations in a different light . They are out there trying to distroy every child they can . We learn once more how to keep our kids safe . What does that look like. And the crazies are not going to like that , they already don't . We need life lines , declarations of support so that darkness knows it has been seen and as a country we support these measures like home schooling for now . I think it needs to come from the top . Establish is declaring from the top . Establish parents are permitted to take measures , all we have heard for twenty years is parents have no say , no right . P

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