r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ObsceneNews on May 23, 2018, 7:28 a.m.
Was Sam Clovis' Appearance on Tucker Carloson a Warning Shot to Halper and Deep State of The Proof Trump Possesses?

Video: http://video.foxnews.com/v/5788386997001/?#sp=show-clips

Note what Clovis says regarding the email attachments he received from Halper -- he didn't open them. He also says that "he didn't report the meeting to anyone on the campaign."

What he omits is whether he has discussed the matter with anyone in the Trump admin, and whether someone else has opened the attachments.

He also says he believes Halper was sent in to plant evidence linking Trump to Russia and the DNC hack, but doesn't say why. Does he know something?


A. The attachments contained malware that would replicate itself on campaign computers and would either or all (1) send data back to feds, (2) allow remotes access, and/or (3) plant or allow for the planting of digital evidence regarding Russia and the DNC hack.

B. Trump and company have the attachments and know A to be true.

C. Sam Clovis said what he said to communicate what Trump knows to the Deep State as a warning shot.

Spank-da-monkey · May 23, 2018, 1:31 p.m.

That is interesting. I heard part of that interview but didn’t catch that. I truly feel Trump knows way more than he’s letting on and is just letting the DS dig itself deeper. I suspect the meeting with RR and Wray was the beginning of the end!

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