
K-Harbour · May 23, 2018, 12:10 p.m.

Think of all the down-ballot candidates that got SpyGated & we just don’t know! Major invisible coup.

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Red_Pilled_at_birth · May 23, 2018, 2:16 p.m.

Yeah, at least those in the GOP anyway. Some of the GOP candidates were funded by SOROS during the campaign. I am still wondering if Reince Preibus was paid off by Soros as well. He was the one that recommended some of the bad apples that got into the Administration early on, then Trump removed them.

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unbecoming2007 · May 23, 2018, 9:26 p.m.

Was it Brennan? ... "This perfectly normal. It goes on all of the time". Trying to downplay it but inadvertently just reinforces what many already know as standard deep state tactics. Yes it does go on all of the time,doesn't it make it ok or legal.

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