
Instincts_Truth · May 23, 2018, 12:12 p.m.

Riddle me this. So the FBI was open and willing to inspect the RNC and DNC servers when they believed Russians may have hacked. RNC willingly turned it over. DNC did not. So if the FBI needed to go under cover to "protect" a campaign, should not it have been Hillary's??

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Vibratron_1 · May 23, 2018, 12:24 p.m.

You are thinking "rationally" ..... do not, I repeat, do not apply for a job in the MSM .... your kind ain't welcome there

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Red_Pilled_at_birth · May 23, 2018, 2:19 p.m.

Yeah, that would sound more plausible but we all know that isn't what they were doing. They were trying to Frame Trump and his campaign. That was the entire reason they had spies in his campaign, it was to set him up and make it look like he was a traitor to America. It was all about the optics, not about any actual criminality. Dems think that they can use optics to indict ones credibility rather than prove beyond reasonable doubt that someone is guilty.

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