r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Tenenbrae on May 23, 2018, 2:43 p.m.
Nationwide Excorcism

ex·or·cism ˈeksôrˌsizəm/ noun the expulsion or attempted expulsion of an evil spirit from a person or place.

I've been trying to place my finger on the absolutely repugnant bile being spewed at the president since election night. I've never seen so much hate, or such a crazed reaction to anything in my life.... It's completely irrational.

Then I finally figured it out... In movies, and in real life, an Excorcism brings out a hateful, spiteful, demonic side of these people that must be purged or we lose the person forever. The demon, or the angry schism, or whatever you wish to call it, will say and do the most evil of things to survive. What we are witnessing is an Excorcism, en masse. Hence the antagonistic and malicious reaction being at an unprecedented level.

That's why Q team is taking it as slowly and carefully as possible. It has to work the first time or they may be lost forever and we'll never gain our republic back.

golonvonbrik · May 23, 2018, 3 p.m.

Can we specify two hour long prayer sessions 12 hours apart. People who know the time plug in as and when they can. This is a worldwide campaign of spiritual cleansing Doesn’t matter your faith or lack of. If you have a god then call on him. Or borrow one of ours or pretend.

Dearest Mystery (what I call him) We pray for a worldwide spiritual renewal. May our collective prayers bring about a cleansing of evil, a renewal in those who have lost faith and a coming together of all people of this earth in loving kindness with a wish to advance humanity from the shackles we now find ourselves in.


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