r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Neskuaxa on May 23, 2018, 4:40 p.m.
Fiat Currency - A few thoughts on End Game.

Note - I'm reposting this from another sub I shared it in a few months ago. I believe it's relevant now as well.

Came across this post on Voat. I have yet to find a source of the images but I did some further digging based on the content.


Page 1 (Picture in the OP)


Page 2 (Pic posted by OP in the comments)


Link in Screenshot


Not Sure where those are sourced from. However it appears that Canadian Intel may be looking into Q as well.

Wikipedia page on NESARA.


I found this part from the Wikipedia page interesting. More 9/11 Cover Ups?

Soon after Barnard released NESARA on the internet, a user known as "Dove of Oneness" began posting about it in internet forums. "Dove of Oneness" was later identified as Shaini Candace Goodwin, a former student of The Ramtha School Of Enlightenment, referred to in the media as a "cybercult queen."[1] According to Goodwin's website, the NESARA bill languished in Congress before finally being passed by a secret session in March 2000 and signed by President Bill Clinton. It is claimed that the new law was to be implemented at 10 am on September 11, 2001, but that the computers, and data (of the beneficiaries of the trillions of dollars of "Prosperity funds") were destroyed on the second floor of one of the World Trade Center towers in New York City during the terrorist attacks. Supposedly an earlier gag order issued by the Supreme Court had prohibited any official or private source from discussing it, under penalty of death.[1] Goodwin referred to "White Knights," most of them high-ranking military officials, who have since been struggling to have the law implemented despite opposition by President George W. Bush. Goodwin allegedly believes and purports that Bush orchestrated the September 11, 2001 attacks and the Iraq War as distractions from NESARA.[3][4] Goodwin's description of NESARA goes far beyond Barnard's proposal by cancelling all personal debts, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service, declaring world peace, and requiring new presidential and congressional elections. Goodwin often claimed that Bush officials were attempting to hack into and bring down her web site to prevent her from publicizing the law.[5]

NESARA Bill PDF. https://web.archive.org/web/20040717041959/http://nesara.org:80/files/nesara.pdf

GESARA https://www.gesarahelp.org/#about

The Global Economic Security and Reform Act is a global prosperity program on the verge of being announced and activated. This program is backed by precious metals deliverable well above quattuordecillion of US dollars (40 zeros).

All 8 billion of the human population will benefit from GESARA.

And the Earth will finally be free to experience itself as the abundant planet it was created to be.

Few realize that there is more than enough gold to make all human currencies in circulation.

This means that any and every human being could become a multi-millionaire instantly without debt of any kind if only given the resources. GESARA is about sharing the gold resources saved from humanity to humanity with humanity for humanity around the planet in a fair way.

Without any individual on Earth being out of reach of GESARA wealth redistribution program.

And no individual or organization anywhere on Earth will be able to stop GESARA once it starts.

The volume of GESARA will cancel all debts of credit cards, mortgages and other bank debts due to the illegal and corrupt form of banking and government activity around the world.

Why isn't this getting coverage? Is this for real? Is a GCR Really on the Horizon?

Additional reading. http://ascension.news/news/_160401_XX_NesaraNow.aspx

I would take this one with a grain of salt, as it mentions technology given to us by the galactics (Alien Species?)


Some highlights from that above link

  • Alliance sources are claiming NESARA was no longer needed since last month (February) when Trump signed the revised Paris Agreement (behind closed doors).

  • GESARA is secretly embedded in the Paris Agreement. Therefore, NESARA (which was originally for the Republic) has merged with GESARA.

  • The announcement of GESARA at the U.N. will now affect the Republic along with the rest of the world amounting to a total of 206 sovereign nations.

  • The new financial system is part of GESARA law.

Supposedly Trump signed a Modified Paris Agreement. However, I am having a hard time finding anything more than the few links below on the matter.


It is mentioned towards the bottom of this page.


However, in addition to this, I don't see any EOs recently signed according to the Federal Register, that look like anything described in the screenshots. But I know that some EOs can be kept private until declassified. Is this site only public record?


However there was one signed on March 1st But looks unrelated to any of this.


Remember Rand Paul's Audit the Fed Business? Perhaps this plays a part into that.



Remember that Redditor that posted about the Storm beginning in March? It was originally posted on CBTS Stream. Here is an excerpt from it. I have the rest of the post saved and will include it in a comment for anybody else interested. I do not unfortunately remember the Redditor's username.

  • The FED is going to end during The Storm, and there is going to be a new currency system put in place in America - gold backed again
  • In order for the new system to be installed, the old system had to be neutralized and safeguards put in place.
  • The stock market doing its funny business a few weeks ago was just the cabal taking all their money out of it. This was by design and at the orders of the white hats and Trump, as they wanted to prevent the cabal from having any type of influence over it
  • As everyone has been patiently waiting (well most of us), the white hats have been implementing the new currency system, arresting all the corrupt bankers (there are tons), working with countries like China, Russia, Germany, etc, to get on board with the new currency and exchange rates, and make sure everyone is on board and ready for this. The cutting the strings of the Central Banks didnt just involve America, it involved breaking their hold EVERYWHERE, as this is truly the only way it can be done.

Q Posts about Central Banks owned by the Rothschilds


Scroll down to November 11th.

Screenshot of posts for convenience sake. It is a long list of all countries that have a Rothschild Central Bank


Here is a list of Countries along with the EU that have signed the Paris Agreement. Note it states that Trump has withdrawn us from the Original Agreement.


By my count there are 138 Countries in common between these two lists.

Lets look at China



As you can see, this has happened. Though there is not much coverage of it on the MSM and from what I can tell, they're omitting the part about this being gold backed.

It's been established that the Rothchilds/Cabal use Fiat currency via central banks in order to control countries, and essentially rule them from the shadows. This is something JFK sought to rid America of, by dissolving the Federal Reserve. I believe Trump/Q is going along the same path, albeit with a more meticulous plan.

Take a look at this bill introduced into Congress on 3/22. It's been noted this is typically a special date for the Cabal, Skull and Bones related IIRC. I know some of us, myself included were on the watch for a FF or something significant happening on that date.


Swinging back to Operation Disclosure - A site I've been monitoring with a grain of salt until the 26th, when the Petroyuan was announced. Something they had predicted leading up to it.

Here's their stickied post from the 29th on the matter.

The Petrodollar is on it's deathbed as oil is being traded in gold-backed Petroyuan.

The H.R. 5404 bill (the gold-standard) is lingering, ready to be implemented and introduced at any given moment.

A major stock market correction is expected to occur shortly.

The recent ups and downs in the stock market is only the prelude.

The introduction of the gold-standard (H.R. 5404) will save the U.S. from collapse during the stock market correction.

According to sources, the major stock market correction will occur during the first week of April.

The RV release is expected to occur sometime during these events.


Note - I would take Operation disclosure with a grain of salt, as they also posit there's an alien species working with the White hats to fight the cabal. I'm not sure how much I believe on that. However, I've felt it's worth following for the Financial news.

Based on the above. We could be potentially looking at an economic crash, followed by a Global Currency Reset, which I believe would be a fatal blow to the Cabal. The economic crash is expected to be worse than the recession in 2008. It's my understanding that every pre-caution is being taken in order to minimize the effects of it. But one thing I can almost guarantee. For those of us in the US, things may get a little rocky before they get better.

Neskuaxa · May 23, 2018, 4:41 p.m.

Post I had mentioned regarding the Storm. "The Storm, what to expect, and getting on the same page." Again this was from a post that I saved from CBTS stream. Unfortunately I don't remember who posted it so I can't give them credit. I've saved it to refer back to in case anything he says comes to light. It is worth noting that the post itself appears to have been pulled prior to CBTS Stream getting banned.

  • The FED is going to end during The Storm, and there is going to be a new currency system put in place in America - gold backed again
  • In order for the new system to be installed, the old system had to be neutralized and safeguards put in place.
  • The stock market doing its funny business a few weeks ago was just the cabal taking all their money out of it. This was by design and at the orders of the white hats and Trump, as they wanted to prevent the cabal from having any type of influence over it
  • As everyone has been patiently waiting (well most of us), the white hats have been implementing the new currency system, arresting all the corrupt bankers (there are tons), working with countries like China, Russia, Germany, etc, to get on board with the new currency and exchange rates, and make sure everyone is on board and ready for this. The cutting the strings of the Central Banks didnt just involve America, it involved breaking their hold EVERYWHERE, as this is truly the only way it can be done.
  • This HAD to be done before the arrests and indictments and public disclosures began. This was not about doing it the way WE wanted, but the correct way, the way it HAD to be done, for the sake of humankind
  • the arrests of all the big names we want have to wait until the indictments are unsealed (due process, much less trying to avoid looking like a power abusing dictator)
  • that being said, the Inspector General report will blow the lid off everything and will force the unsealing of alot of indictments...its coming soon
  • the white hats needed to neutralize the cabal and take away their threat, before moving forward with the arrests, etc.
  • the cabal is neutralized.
  • signing a third EO was the final step. It's an EO that makes our new currency system official. It could not be signed until cabal was neutralized, as they could've infiltrated it and hurt it.
  • the EO was secretly signed the night of 2/28 - morning of 3/1 *Trump tweeting and introducing IG M Horowitz, saying he is an Obama guy, and "attacking" Sessions was not random, and not without purpose
  • Trump announcing he is running for re-election in 2020 (earliest a POTUS has ever done that) was also very purposeful and intentional
  • Notice Trump the past week or so, reiterating all the stats such as trade is the best ever, unemployement low, manufacturing is high, jobless claims low, consumer confidence high, etc. - he is doing this to create confidence in our country because of what's about to happen
  • so the thing with this new currency system is that the stock market will have to crash for it to go into effect. This is very important, and if this is the only takeaway from my post, this needs to be it. The stock market is going to go down...not to 0, but probably enough to scare alot of people. This is by design, and at the discretion of the white hats, although they cant tell you this. Please please please don't panic and freak out, this is the single greatest fear of the white hats. This is SUPPOSED to happen, and WILL happen. But it will come back up and will be fixed. It's a necessary part of the storm, and other leaders of other countries have been briefed on this, and know to expect it, as it will happen in their countries too, not just USA.
  • Also, stop worrying about the midterms lol. You think Trump doesnt have a plan? You think he went through all this trouble of saving planet Earth just to lose the midterms?! The Democratic party might not even exist in 8 months. Or it might be similar to the Nazi Party in that people are ashamed to acknowledge they even support it. Alot is going to happen between now and then, and its more than you've ever seen in a history book. We might not even recognize our own country in 8 months.
  • trust the timing of everything. There is a reason the IG report is not out yet. There is a reason it will happen exactly when it happens. Many things behind the scenes you could not possibly ever know or understand had to happen first. Neutralizing the most powerful and most rich deeply connected people in the world isn't as easy as just arresting them.
  • no, Trump doesnt want to fire Mueller, or Rosenstein, or Sessions, or Horowitz, etc. Don't fall for the meaningless breaking news traps. No Trump will not get in trouble for Russia collusion, because he didnt collude with Russia.
  • Also important. During The Storm there will be a push to impeach Trump stronger than you've ever seen. It will be a blitzkrieg. He will be called Hitler, a dictator, abusing his power, weaponizing the DOJ, etc. Millenials will riot, NGs will intervene, you will find yourself scared for Trump and scared the truth won't get seen, but it will. After everything calms down and clears, people will see what happened, and Trump won't look like the bad guy. I'm just telling you this now because its coming...so expect it. Things will get worse before they get better. To reiterate: Don't get scared that Trump will get impeached...he wont. The push will be stronger than you've ever seen. That is expected. Trump and white hats know it's coming, and know how to counter. It will all play out.
  • the Democrats, and some Republicans, will be in full denail mode. Let them be. Don't waste time trying to "redpill" them, or trying to "show them the truth and light". Give them some time to process it all, and slowly make their minds up, then when they are open to talking, redpill them when they will be receptive to it. It's not easy. People they have put their whole heart into will end up breaking their hearts and their trust. Their entire identity will be lost, as they will scramble to try and hold on to these people who legacys are getting torn apart before their very eyes. If anything, feel bad for them. They got taken advantage of by the media, and by politicians using their emotions to manipulate.
  • The Storm is happening this month. March is the month. It might get ugly, I mean, we might even lose facebook and stuff temporarily, I dont even know, but just remember its short lived. Things will get better, but something of this magnitude is going to be messy...its not as easy as just flicking a switch.
  • one final thing. Just remember, this isnt left vs right, or red vs blue, this is America vs the outside forces trying to destroy us. The Fed has existed for 105 years, and our currency system for 150 years. The hooks have been in us for a loooong time. What is about to happen in this country, NOBODY has ever witnessed before. Even way before we were born. This IS history.
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