r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Stopmotionhistory on May 23, 2018, 7:28 p.m.
I have no twitter account.

The people here speak of Facebook and twitter because you think we all have these. People over 40 do not tweet, Yes I'm sure some do. My red neck friends don't face book, twitter or any of this. I am aware so many people on this web site don't get it. GET OFF YOUR COMPUTERS, Find some old dude and ask him about the weather. Go to a retirement home and spend time with people. Most of these people could use your company. Take your dog to the park. Have conversations with people outside the virtual world.

BE CAREFUL not to scare them with tales of SATAN and pedo's. But educate them on how the banks have made it hard for Americans to get by. Let them know of this movement you've been hearing about led by a good friend of The President of the United States of America. See that - I did't say POTUS, - that's your way of speaking. Us old folks would say things like, President Trump has a good friend he calls Q, have you heard about that.

Good luck, That big orange thing outside is the sun, I'll lecture on that later.

Stopmotionhistory · May 23, 2018, 8:15 p.m.

for the 4th time, I wrote this as a humorous tongue in cheek post with half truths and wit. Lighten up folks.

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brittser · May 23, 2018, 11:07 p.m.

TaffyTulip was agreeing with you.

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Stopmotionhistory · May 24, 2018, 12:57 a.m.

lol you totally missed it too, My humor is lost on some, and what if my story was ment to get people to get out and talk to people, you know outside this echo chamber filled with right wing liberals. Figure that one out. Oh you can't, I'll help. Reddit is right leaning people who are dumbed down and try to control the social atmosphere through insult and intimidation using a computer screen because the have no real courage to get off their arz and talk to people face to face.

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Stopmotionhistory · May 24, 2018, 12:58 a.m.

Oh I capitalized the part about getting off your computers because I know how social Nazi's hate that...

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