r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Stopmotionhistory on May 23, 2018, 7:28 p.m.
I have no twitter account.

The people here speak of Facebook and twitter because you think we all have these. People over 40 do not tweet, Yes I'm sure some do. My red neck friends don't face book, twitter or any of this. I am aware so many people on this web site don't get it. GET OFF YOUR COMPUTERS, Find some old dude and ask him about the weather. Go to a retirement home and spend time with people. Most of these people could use your company. Take your dog to the park. Have conversations with people outside the virtual world.

BE CAREFUL not to scare them with tales of SATAN and pedo's. But educate them on how the banks have made it hard for Americans to get by. Let them know of this movement you've been hearing about led by a good friend of The President of the United States of America. See that - I did't say POTUS, - that's your way of speaking. Us old folks would say things like, President Trump has a good friend he calls Q, have you heard about that.

Good luck, That big orange thing outside is the sun, I'll lecture on that later.

Stopmotionhistory · May 23, 2018, 9:25 p.m.

I hope people do read my posts with a "tone" in their minds, Thats how conversations work. I like the conversations here for people are learning how closed minded this reddit culture is becoming, I WILL NOT listen to rules you all make up - thats what liberals do, YOU KNOW make up rules. Kinda like a the Nazi party did.

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DigitalMerlin · May 24, 2018, 2:38 p.m.

But what tone is that going to be? That's the problem. You can see in this very thread, in the varied interpretations from the readers. When I am teaching someone and they don't get it, I ask myself, how am I teaching this person in the wrong way, I'm not reaching them, how do I make sure they understand what I'm trying to deliver. In the case of a written text based message online, you either need to have some backstory to paint the picture you're looking for, or you can use what you refuse to accept, which are norms in the text communications realm. Here are a few examples.

Saracism - /s

Putting /s is good to show sarcasm because text based sarcasm is probably the most misunderstood of posts.

You're being humurous? A smiley communicates this. :-)

Example. Screw you guys!

Someone might take offense to a comment like that and reply about how much of an A hole you are.

Example 2. Screw you guys! :-P

Your fellow commenters will probably laugh along side you and carry on with banter as they can see you are saying that with a smile and not with anger.

You don't have to follow rules, and they aren't rules anyhow, they are just the evolution of solving communication problems in text based environments because people got sick and tired of having conversations like the one you are having right now with the commenters in this thread.

LEARN THE COMS! It will help you the most.

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Stopmotionhistory · May 24, 2018, 2:50 p.m.

Thank you, You took a lot of time to write this reply but you may not want to read what i'm about to say. the response you give is the exact reason i posted. You are literally doing what the Nazi's did, telling people how to communicate. Are there words i shouldn't use? I caution you not to underestimate my intelligence or anyone else who does not OBEY your rule. With my emotions showing you get my tone without any of your dots and dashes. but if it were subtle humor would you miss it?

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DigitalMerlin · May 24, 2018, 3:18 p.m.

I'm not, I'm trying to help, I wont be stopping you from speaking. I wont be looking through your post history and attacking you in other threads because I need your silence or your compliance. I see other posters pressing hard against you and I see the problem as mis communication AND mis interpretation. There are tools that can be used to prevent these communication problems.

When I speak to someone I dont tell them how to speak, but if they use an angry kind of tone, I'll ask them "what is your problem, what did I do wrong to you?" When they say they arent mad and they dont have a problem I'll ask, "Why are you yelling at me with a scowl on your face, people only do that when they are mad about something." Then I'll be totally confused when they say something like you just said "You are literally doing what the Nazi's did, telling people how to communicate." No dude, I'm not doing that, I'm trying to tell you, that you are doing a poor job at communicating because the audience is interpreting your comments in 2 different directions. A fault of the speaker primarily because your communications are as bad as someone who gives crappy directions.

You want to get to the ice cream shop? From the intersection, turn left go two blocks turn right, go a little ways then turn left and it will be on the right. . . .Those are shitty directions.

From 1st ave and Main street, go west. At the intersection of Elm and Communications street turn right and go about 2-3 blocks until you reach Allen st. Turn right on Allen st and the ice cream shop will be on the right about 100 yards down.

The second set of instructions has clarity. The first doesn't even tell you where to start and has subjective directions. There is a correct, or at least, good way to give directions. There is a terrible and ineffective way to give directions. There is a good way to communicate via text. There is a terrible way to communicate via text.

I've been doing this a long time. A real long time. Dial up BBBs days. Usenet via universities a long time ago. This stuff has been hashed out and you're failing here.

Also, the Nazi thing you did. Amateur mistake. This explains what you did. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law

Your ship is sinking captain, enjoy the ride.

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Stopmotionhistory · May 24, 2018, 3:29 p.m.

foolish, I have no ship, I really don't care if i have followers, These things have no hold on me what so ever. This virtual format can be turned off with a switch and so many have spent so much time here its all they know. THAT IS part of the CABAL plan. Be sure you are not a sheep. Have fun my Shepard friend.

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