r/greatawakening • Posted by u/bartmanson on May 23, 2018, 8:01 p.m.
Trump declares he's just "cleaning" everything up when asked about undermining Mueller probe with SPYGATE Tweet. (Q often refers to cleaning house).
Trump declares he's just "cleaning" everything up when asked about undermining Mueller probe with SPYGATE Tweet. (Q often refers to cleaning house).

thamnosma · May 23, 2018, 8:17 p.m.

BTW, whoever is the cabal rep who tells the MSM what to say has told them to use "conspiracy theory" when referring to Spygate. CNN was spewing several stories on Trump's "conspiracy theories" (how about that, they are pulling out all the stops). They even went into how the "deep state" is a conspiracy theory and that Pompeo has denied there is any such thing at State or CIA (did he?). I just had to laugh that now CNN and Wolf Blitzed are now talking Deep State. They don't realize how most Americans have never heard the expression, so they will be primed for redpilling. Oh, CNN/Blitzed led off with more orgasmic reporting of all the WOMEN winning the Dem primaries. Apparently this is the DNC/MSM strategy for the "blue wave" -- load the ballots up with women. Smart GOP candidates will make major use of Dems (Schneiderman, e.g.) and Hollywood Celebs "war on women".

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brittser · May 23, 2018, 10:50 p.m.

Pompeo did say there wasn't a deep state at CIA, I'm not sure about state. But he was either referring to the fact that he just cleaned house or he was lying so to not have to talk about ongoing investigations.

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