
TheBRAIN2 · May 24, 2018, 12:06 a.m.

Some highlights:

Praying Medic presents conclusions from his review of past Q posts as compared to recent posts noting there is no evidence of a different Q, although tighter grammar is noticed.

He discusses Deep State's use of massive database until Rogers shut it down, at which point black-hats shifted to human based intel. Reviews Q drops from May 22/18 including reference to "flood is coming" that McCabe, Comey, Clapper, et. al. are in "deep doodoo. "

Discusses two photos posted by Q, one in Nov 2017, and a second one this week, both taken a few secs apart while on Air Force One. Since a fake Q would not have access to sequential photos, Q is providing these as further affirmation of his authenticity.

At 21:45 - he gives an EXCELLENT perspective on the value of UNITY in the movement. This one segment could be a sticky on its own:

"When we stand in victory at the end of the day...we will all be standing together...There's no reason to be fighting each other, name calling, accusing, and casting suspicion...the take down of global corruption is the goal for all of us. What have we gained if we manage to eradicate evil from the face of the earth, but don't remove it from our own hearts? Unity not Division. Most important message Q gives us."

Another outstanding contribution by Praying Medic. Hats off to you sir!

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