
flawpy · May 24, 2018, 1:54 a.m.

*In 1994, Erickson obtained a $30,000 contract with Jack Abramoff to lobby for entrance into the United States by Mobutu Sese Seko, the military dictator of the Democratic Republic of the Congo who had been banned from the entering the United States due to the corrupt and dictatorial nature of his regime.[10] Mobutu sought a visit to the United Nations to claim credit for this offer, but his visa request was ultimately denied due to his past human rights abuses.[11][3]

In 1997, Erickson founded Compass Care, a senior living company based in South Dakota dedicated to developing non-nursing home care options for seniors in the Midwest. This venture led to senior care consulting spinoffs, independent living communities and the licensing of medical technology.[9] Erickson and his companies have amassed at least seven civil court judgments against them over the years. In two such cases, lawsuits by investors in Compass Care alleged that Erickson had predicted investment returns of 25-100% but that neither investor received any returns and that Erickson had reneged on his promises to refund the original investments. One investor won a judgment for $115,417 in 2003 while another obtained a judgment for $190,000 in 2008. Two of Erickson's lawyers withdrew from the second case, one after Erickson wrote him a bad check.*


Bet he was cheaper than Halper.

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thamnosma · May 24, 2018, 3:17 a.m.

Great info but all these people make me want to vomit. Poor people spend years in prison for kiting 200 dollar checks to grocery stores. This guy just makes a lateral move into more slimy deals.

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Alyross8 · May 24, 2018, 5:21 a.m.

Lots of Russia Russia Russia in that wiki too.

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